Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing my Grandmother's Swimsuit?!

 Hello There,

    When it comes to swimwear most everybody loves bikinis, they're super sexy and show off a woman's curves. But what about me, well I don't really have feminine curves to show off, and I tend to love the feeling of women's swimwear on my body so I want it covering as much of me as possible. I've therefore always preferred one piece swimsuits, even when I was a kid. My first experience wearing a swimsuit of any kind was my mother's (of course), it was a brown and black one piece swimsuit with molded bra cups. I loved the way it hugged my body with the soft breathable material, and created feminine curves with the bra cups. Needless to say I wanted nothing more than to go out swimming in our pool wearing it, unfortunately our pool was visible from our neighbor's houses, so it would have to just remain a dream of mine. 

    Some time later (I was maybe 13 now) I was spending a summer staying with my grandparents at their beach house. I was rummaging through some of the drawers in my room one day and struck gold: a blue and pink floral one piece women's swimsuit! I was absolutely floored, my dreams were coming true! It fit me perfectly, so I figured it had to have been one of my cousin's that got left behind last time they were here. I wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste, I was going swimming in women's swimwear. So I put the swimsuit on and then put on my guy clothes overtop of it. To hide the bumps created by the molded bra cups of the swimsuit I draped my towel over my shoulders to conceal my chest. As I headed out toward the door my grandparents were sitting watching TV, I told them I was heading out for a swim and they just told me to be careful. I had not planned on swimming on the beach that was connected to my Grandparents house however, instead I new a private beach down the road that no one was ever on. When I arrived to my shock all the way at the end of the beach several hundred feet away there were a few boys playing on some rocks. I was crushed, my one opportunity was ruined, so I turned around and headed back. But then in a spur of the moment decision, I stripped my guy clothes and went running out into the water! It felt euphoric, at last I was swimming in a women's swimsuit! I spent several minutes swimming around enjoying the feeling of the material on my body, and the feeling of the bra cups on my chest. It was all so magical, but It had to come to an end. I figured I better cut things short before the boys down the beach started becoming curious about what I was up to. I exited the water, quickly dried off with my towel and put my guy clothes back on. When I got back to my Grandparent's house my grandmother said she was worried because she had come down to the beach to check on me but could not find me. I let her know that I had used the beach down the street and that's why she didn't see me. After that I quickly headed upstairs and changed, and no one had known what I'd done except me.

    A few summers later my Mom and Aunt were doing some cleaning out of my Grandparent's house when they found the swimsuit in the drawer. "Mom do you still want your old swimsuit?" I heard them yell out. I was shocked, the swimsuit I got so much enjoyment out of was my Grandmothers?! Oh well, at least it was a fun memory. 
