Friday, November 11, 2022

Underdressing at the Movies!

 Hello There,

    For those of us who enjoy underdressing (which I have a whole post on), one of the easiest and also most fun opportunities to do so is at the movies! At the movie theater you know for certain no one is paying attention to you and you can underdress stress free! I've seen probably like 10 movies while underdressed, usually wearing a bra and panties, sometimes also with pantyhose on if I'm wearing long pants. I remember how much euphoria I felt the first time I did it, I got to sit in a crowd of people for several hours while wearing women's underwear and there was zero chance anyone noticed. 

    As for my most recent underdressing at the movies escapade I went to see Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. As for what I would be underdressing in I went with my pink satin wirefree bra, pink panties, and some nude pantyhose. Over top of all that I wore sweatpants and a hoody. Unfortunately the sweatpants were a little loose on me, so as I walked in to the theater I had to pull up my pants a couple times, hopefully no one caught a glimpse of my panties and pantyhose. I got my ticket and concessions and headed to the theater. Once I sat in my seat I breathed a sigh of relief as I was free from the judging eyes of the public. 

    The movie was totally awesome (though I might be biased since I'm a marvel mega fan). Once It was over I very carefully got up (making sure my pants didn't slip down too far), and headed to the exit. Once I got to my car I couldn't help but take a selfie with my pink bra strap showing. Overall it was another successful and thrilling underdressing trip to the movies and I look forward to going again soon!
