Thursday, November 10, 2022

The fun of Underdressing!

 Hello there,

    Going out in public while dressed is a daunting task for most, there's fears of not being passible or running in to people you know. For those of us that still what to experience the thrill of wearing women's clothes in public without any of the inherent risk of fully dressing there is the fantastic option of underdressing! For those of you that haven't heard the term before, it's essentially just wearing women's clothes under your guy clothes. For the majority underdressing in public usually just means wearing undergarments like panties, bras and pantyhose. Additionally, I have seen some go a step further, wearing whole women's outfits under their men's wear, one individual I saw go so far as to wear an entire wedding dress under their guy clothes! Wearing an entire outfit (much less an entire wedding dress), seems a little excessive to me though, I think sticking with underwear for the most part is enough to satisfy the need to wear women's clothes in public while not outing yourself. 

    So when it comes to underdressing the major concern for many is going to be how do I make sure no one knows I'm wearing women's underwear right now underneath my clothes. Since the three most common items to wear while underdressing are panties, pantyhose, and bras, those are the three things I'll cover. I'll start with panties, since for many they will probably be the easiest and most straightforward thing to underdress with. When It comes to hiding panties under your menswear there's a few things to keep in mind, firstly when choosing a style of panty take in to account if they might ride up or be higher than the waist of the pants you are wearing, this might cause them to show if you need to bend over. Speaking of bending over I'd recommend bending over in front of the mirror to see if the outline of your panties is visible, if they are you might want to go with a different pair or style. Finally take into account the color of your pants, lighter colors tend to be a little sheerer and might show a dark pair of panties through them.

    Pantyhose are both the easiest and most difficult thing to hide. Really the solution is simple, just wear long pants, the only part of your leg that might ever be exposed is around your ankle, and that shouldn't be enough to tip anyone off about what you're secretly wearing. However if you live in a warmer climate in the summer, it's usually too warm to wear both long pants and pantyhose. If you're going to attempt to wear pantyhose beneath a pair of shorts, I suggest you go with a nude shade that are as sheer as possible. Even then, pantyhose usually give of a little shine, so while most people might not look at stranger's legs, if anyone should happen to catch a quick glance it's very possible that they'll notice.

    Lastly my favorite item to underdress in, Bras! I'm sure there's far more men out there wearing women's underwear in public than we realize, but the amount of men wearing bras in public is minuscule. That's part of the fun however, if it wasn't already obscure enough to wear women's panties in public, a man wearing a bra in public is a whole new level of naughty. There's two main things to take into account when it comes to hiding bras under your guy clothes, the impression of the cups, and the bumps created by the bra's straps. When it comes to the cups, you could just write them off as you having an enlarged pair of man boobs, which is normal thing that happens for some men. But if you want to hide them, the options I'll present will also help hide the raised impressions made by the bra's straps. You can either wear loose-fitting clothing or wear layers. Loose-fitting clothing is not going to be tight enough to show the bra straps through your shirt, and it will hang straight down from the chest hiding the curvature created by the bra's cups. Alternatively with dressing in layers the bumps from the bra straps become hidden under the top layer (like some form of jacket), and the curvature from the bra's cups is either hidden or very easily written off as just extra fabric from all your clothes. But either way it helps you to get out in public while wearing a bra, which is just oh so fun!

    To those of you interested in trying underdressing for the first time, I highly recommend it! It'll certainly feel scary and nerve racking at first, but most people don't carefully inspect strangers close enough to notice that anything will be different about you. It will feel like everyone is staring at you but trust me they aren't. You can also choose outings where you won't be close to other people, like getting gas, getting food at a drive through, seeing a movie, or using a self checkout at a store. Take baby steps and figure out what works for you, eventually you'll start building up enough confidence to go more daring places, and wear more daring things.

    Well I hope some I gave you some pretty good tips to help you get out in public while underdressed. Underdressing is such a fun thrill, that I totally recommend to everyone! I'll have some upcoming stories about some of the fun times I've spent underdressing, but until then happy underdressing everyone!
