Thursday, November 10, 2022

How I Chose My Name

 Hello There

    One of the most important moments in the life of someone creating a feminine identity is when they choose the name of their feminine identity. Most of us don't get the opportunity to choose our original name, so getting to name yourself can be kind of a daunting and exciting task. When I first started creating accounts online I needed to create a name for my profiles. I wanted to choose something fun, feminine and totally different from my actual name, I ended up going with Lola. Lola was the name I had listed on my private profiles online for years, but when the time came for a public profile I was ready for a change. I thought Lola sounded too unrealistic, or cartoonish, I had never met someone named Lola in my entire life. Of course I still wanted something super feminine and very different from my guy name, but it needed to be realistic. So I thought to myself "who was the most girly girl I ever knew", well her name was Carly, and I found my answer. As for inspiration behind the last name, it's twofold. Firstly I'm kinda into the whole good girl vibe and I live in the south, so I'm sort of a "southern belle". Secondly I'm a huge Disney Princess fan, and Belle worked a lot better as a last name than Carly Cinderella LOL. So I went with Carly Belle and here I still am, now with a blog and everything! 
