Saturday, December 30, 2023

How'd I do on my 2023 Bucket List?

 Hello There,

    Earlier this year I wrote myself a bucket list for 2023 with regards to some feminine goals and activities to work towards accomplishing for 2023. Well now that 2023 has come to a close, I can look back and see what I did and didn't manage to accomplish this year. I did better that I thought considering the whirlwind of a year that I've had with a new job and new romantic relationship. But lets go item by item to see how I did!

1. Get a Bra fitting at Victoria's Secret: Definitely didn't do this one, you would've seen it all over my blog if I did LOL. Still my top gender affirming goal however so I'd imagine it'll find its way onto the 2024 list.

2. Buy Myself a Wedding Dress: I completed this one, kinda. Check out my blog post where I discuss buying my first wedding dress. Since things didn't work out quite like I expected this one may also have to role over to my 2024 list, we'll see...

3. Wear Pantyhose Under Shorts in Public: I did this one! Several times in fact! Once I was finally able to nail down the perfect pair of pantyhose to wear in public, I've been wearing them out and about quite frequently! This bucket list item was a big success!

4. Tell More People: Haven't told anyone else, whoops. Big fail on my part.

5. Try new Clothes and Styles: Had a whole blog post on trying new things, and since then I've continued the streak. Another big success!

6. Get Some More Costumes: Another check on the list, got myself a princess peach costume! Although I would've liked to get more costumes, at least I got one!

7. Keep Up With Working on this Blog: Indeed I have, another check!

8.  Underdress More: This one could really go either way. While yes I have continued to do some underdressing, sometimes for longer periods, and more visibly than I've ever done before. In my original list I mentioned maybe doing it once a week, which I definitely did not do. So kinda a half check maybe?

9. Explore My Kinky Side: I dabbled.

10. Go Out In Public: Big no on this one! But I'm working towards it, baby steps like wearing visible pantyhose in public and buying new jeans to wear for an eventual outing help me work towards this goal.

    So like a 5 or 6 out of ten depending on how you count the wedding dress and underdressing more. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. Some of the uncompleted goals will role over to the 2024 bucket list, so stay tuned for that. 2023 was a pretty good year, more gender understanding, new adventures, some great blog posts, and a new relationship with a partner that accepts me! I'm looking forward to 2024 and all the exciting new things it may have instore for me!
