Monday, December 11, 2023

Jean Shopping with my Girlfriend

 Hello There,

    So I've been planning on doing a featured post on jeans for my clothing page for a while now but I've been faced with a problem. I've never owned a pair of jeans that I've really loved. So before I talked at length about jeans and show off some pictures of me wearing them, I thought it might be important to actually find a few pairs that I really liked. So I decided that I'd go out shopping to try and find the perfect pair for me, and my girlfriend was kind enough to tag along to help me choose!

    I started off by putting on a bra, panties, and pantyhose to wear under my guy clothes. Then my girlfriend and I headed to Kohls to start since I had a gift card. While we were driving there my girlfriend, was rubbing my leg and commented on how smooth my legs felt with the pantyhose on. I couldn't help but smile, because they were serving their intended purpose. When we got to Kohls we started by trying to figure out what size I was. After trying on an armful of jeans I finally found that I was a size 10. Now that I knew exactly what size I was I needed to figure out what style I wanted. I had gone with the intention of getting a pair of skinny jeans, but unfortunately skinny jeans are starting to be out of fashion (when did that happen?!). Anyway, as I went to try a few different styles I noticed a problem, the store had almost no size 10! I was really annoyed, because I'd finally found my perfect size and now I couldn't even find a pair in that size. Well I'd have to look elsewhere to find my perfect jeans.

    Thankfully I also had a gift card to Macys, which is where we drove next. The Macys we chose was 3 floors and massive. They also had all their jeans sporadically placed throughout the store making it hard to find all of them. After quite a bit of shopping my girlfriend and I had another armful of jeans and we went to a changing room. After trying on a ridiculous amount of jeans I found that I really loved a pair! Levi's 501 original style I thought looked really good on me! They hug the butt and thighs so they still sort of had that "skinny" look. When I took them to check out, my gift card ended up paying for the whole pair, what a treat!

    While yes, I'd finally found a great pair of everyday jeans to wear, I never actually bought true skinny jeans. Well, my girlfriend was on the case and recommended American Eagle for a pair of jeggings. I was a little skeptical because I'd never tried jeggings before, but I trusted her and drove us to an American Eagle store. I quickly tracked down a pair of Jeggings and tried them on. Yet again my girlfriend was right, they looked amazing on me. They gave me the skinny jean look, without the difficulty of getting them on and off. Unfortunately they were a little expensive so I decided to wait for Black Friday to get a pair for myself. 

    With 2 new pairs of Jeans that I love in my wardrobe it is safe to say that there will be a post dedicated to jeans coming soon! So stay tuned for that! In the meantime, I've got a brief follow up post to this one talking about how nerve wracking it was wearing pantyhose while I did my jean shopping in the crowded mall!
