Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bucket List 2023

 Hello There,

    Everyone has a bucket list right? Well my bucket list probably looks a little different than your average guy LOL. I'm the kinda person that loves to always try and do new things, so I constantly find myself checking off bucket list items. That doesn't mean there aren't still aren't some big things I haven't managed to check off from my list! Figured I'd list off some of my big bucket list items for 2023 here, so I can come back in a while to see how many I've managed to accomplish this year!

Bucket List 2023:

1. Get a Bra fitting at Victoria's Secret: While I'm fairly certain of my exact bra size, it would still be nice to have a Bra Fit Expert from Victoria Secret confirm my size for me. They use a tape measurer on you right there in the store to find your size, and then recommend styles that would fit you best. It can definitely be a little awkward to get one because unless you suffer from gynecomastia, there's no real reason for a guy to be getting a bra fitting at Victoria's Secret, other than for personal pleasure (or a feeling of gender conformity for us genderfluid and transgender folks, but most people are too narrow minded to think of that). So I'm interested to confirm my bra size and for the feminine experience. I have a $20 off of $50 coupon that I can use starting in May, maybe I'll use the opportunity to finally get a bra for myself from VS.

2. Buy Myself a Wedding Dress: I devoted an entire post to talking about this, but I've been on the hunt for a wedding dress for myself for years now! There's a very specific style I'm looking for, and I'm not looking to break the bank. If you're interested in learning more about my eternal search for the perfect wedding dress check out my post where I talk about it. I've been on the hunt for years, so I'm not holding my breath to find one anytime soon, but you never know!

3. Wear Pantyhose Under Shorts in Public: It's no secret that I LOVE pantyhose, but I don't really get to wear them very often in my day to day life. Sometimes in guy mode, I'll get to wear pantyhose under a pair of pants, but it's so hot where I live it's pretty infrequent that I actually get to wear pants. I've read online however about brave people wearing nude pantyhose, either for pleasure or gender conformity, under a pair of shorts. This means that to anyone paying close attention, the pantyhose should be plainly visible. However from all the accounts of I've read of people doing this no one seems to ever get caught doing this, or at least get confronted about it. So it's something I think I'd like to try

4. Tell More People: This one is pretty easy to accomplish, I've already got someone in mind. Most of my friends that I've told have been very accepting of the fact that I'm genderfluid. Also it's great having extra people to talk to and be open with about my girly side. 

5. Try new Clothes and Styles: This is a pretty broad one, but I've gotten so comfortable with my typical choice of dresses that I'm missing out on so many different items of clothing like rompers, leggings, and sweaters! I'd also love to try new pieces of lingerie that I've never experienced like a corset or long line bra. There's a whole feminine world out there, I just need to be open to trying new things. 

6. Get Some More Costumes: Knowing me, I'm sure I'll own more new Disney Princess Dresses by the end of the year, but I'd also like a few other new costumes, because they're just so fun! I'm a massive Comic Book fan so I'd love to snag a Wonder Woman costume or Captain Marvel Body Suit. I'd also just love to get a new maid's dress since my old one was really never that great a fit for me, and maid dresses seem to be a staple of crossdresser's wardrobes LOL. Lastly I've always been a fan of cheerleaders, maybe I'll go out of my way to find a uniform for myself.

7. Keep Up With Working on this Blog: I've really enjoyed the past few months I've spent writing on here and I hope to keep up with posting. It honestly feels a little therapeutic to write these posts, it's like I can transfer all my feminine energy into writing. Even if I don't necessarily have anyone to talk to about girl stuff irl, I know I can always turn to my blog to get my thoughts out. I've got some new and interesting ideas to keep the blog fresh and interesting, so stay tuned!

8. Underdress More: Underdressing has been super therapeutic for me, and has acted as a great outlet when I've been feeling really bad gender dysphoria. I'd like to try to figure out how to do it a little more regularly, maybe assign a day of the week or something, IDK. I just feel like it'll be good for my mental health if I can keep up with doing it, so that's my plan!

9. Explore My Kinky Side: Look, so for the most part I am trying to keep this blog rated PG, so I'll just say that yes I have a kinky side, no I haven't really explored it, and maybe I'd like to. 'Nuff Said!

10. Go Out In Public: Okay, here's the big one, yes I would eventually like to go out in public fully dressed. For the longest time I never really had any desire to take a step this big but now that I am embracing this aspect of my life I think It might be time to embrace it a little more fully. I'm not looking to do anything dramatic, but I'd still like to be able to say that I have stepped out my door as a woman.

    Well there's my list, who knows how many things I'll manage to accomplish for 2023. I'm sure I'll have some interesting experiences, that I didn't even think about adding to my list happen to me. Fingers crossed I manage to knock out all ten things this year, that way I'll be all set up for a crazy 2024 LOL!


Interested in reading about how I did on my 2023 bucket list goals? Click here!