Monday, August 28, 2023

On the Hunt for Sheer Pantyhose!

 Hello There,

    So today I had some free time and thought to myself "gee it sure would be fun to wear some pantyhose while out and about". But as I've mentioned before I don't really have any pantyhose I'm satisfied with in terms of how sheer and well hidden they are. So I decided that today was the day to fix that situation! My favorite brand of Pantyhose is L'eggs, and I wanted to try a new style: L'eggs Silken Mist Ultra Sheer Leg. I've never tried this style before, and was hopeful that it would solve my problem of wearing pantyhose that are too noticeable. I do hope to one day work up the courage to wear pantyhose that are semi noticeable, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.

    I started my quest to find my new pantyhose at Walmart, since I needed to stop there anyway to pick up a few other things. I started off by looking for the ever elusive shopping basket, they never seem to have any available. I only needed a few small things so a whole shopping cart seemed like overkill. Of course there were no baskets to be found, so I pulled a shopping cart out from the line and made my way into the store. I started off by grabbing everything else I needed and then found my way to the women's clothing section. This Walmart has a pretty huge section for women's underwear so it was pretty tough for me to actually find the pantyhose. Finally I had found the shelf of pantyhose, and to no ones surprise it was totally unorganized and disheveled, with a bunch of open boxes. I don't know why but it seems like in every Walmart I go to it looks like a tornado blew threw their pantyhose shelf. Well I did my best to search through the disorganized mess but alas their were no Ultra Sheer Legs in both Nude and Size Q or Q+. While I can certainly fit into Q, I prefer the extra room of Q+, both for comfort and durability. Unfortunately I couldn't find either of those sizes in nude. Maybe they were hidden somewhere among the mess but I couldn't find them, even though I spent quite a bit of time looking. Onlookers were probably getting to become curious why I was spending so long rifling through the pantyhose shelves. So I eventually called it and moved on to my next store.

    After a quick google search I saw that target sells L'eggs pantyhose online so I drove down the road to try to find my quarry there. But to my surprise there were no L'eggs pantyhose to be found! So in frustration I whipped out my phone and searched again, and sure enough there they were on Target's website. However, upon closer inspection I discovered that they were an online only item, and were not sold in stores. Whoops my bad, can't be too mad at Target about that one, they clearly said it online. Well my second stop was a bust unfortunately, hopefully my third stop would be more successful! If nothing else at least I got to enjoy Target's massive wall of bras, very fun!

    My next stop was Walgreens and at this point I was getting frustrated and loosing hope. I slinked my way over to the pantyhose section and to my surprise there they were: a pair of  L'eggs Silken Mist Ultra Sheer Leg size Q, in Nude! I'd found them! Kinda. Like I said I prefer size Q+ over Q, and had I come so far only to settle? If nothing else I knew that this Walgreens had a pair that would work. So I gambled, I figured I would try one more store to see if I could find an Ultra Sheer Leg in size Q+. It was risky move I know, but I was feeling bold!

    My next and final stop was to be a CVS, and was located literally just outside of my apartment complex so if I struck out I was going home afterwards. I walked in and found what I thought to be the pantyhose section but to my surprise they had little to nothing! Just a few compression tights and that's it! "What the heck" I thought! I knew CVS sold L'eggs pantyhose, why was this one not selling them! But upon closer inspection of all the products for sale, they all seemed to be compression tights, or products to encourage blood flow. I was about to leave but it clicked for me that this was a section selling medical legwear accessories not legwear for fashion! My search was to go on there had to be L'eggs in here somewhere! 

    I kept wandering and boom there they were, those unmistakable little white L'eggs boxes. Like Walgreens they also had a pair of L'eggs Silken Mist Ultra Sheer Leg size Q, in Nude. Also like Walgreens there was no Q+ available but that's okay. I'd come all the way here, and I could settle for just Q. I picked up my box of pantyhose (which was really dusty, yuck) and headed to the register to check out. The Woman attendant made no comment about what I was buying and I was on my way, at long last pantyhose in hand!

    But after that long journey of 4 stops were they all that I was hoping they would be? I rushed up the stairs to my apartment and tried them on. As soon as I took them out of the box I immediately tell they were the smaller size Q but that's Okay, they'd still fit fine. So I slipped them on and OMG! They were nearly invisible! They were exactly what I was looking for, I could absolutely wear these in public and no one will notice!  My quest had been a massive success, and now I can begin having fun outings where I visibly wear pantyhose in public. To celebrate I walked out to my car wearing them to drop them off. I'm excited to say that I walked past a woman and her child and neither of them had their eyes drawn to my legs! 

Now that I have such a well concealed pair of pantyhose look forward to new public and pantyhosed blog posts soon!
