Thursday, January 4, 2024

Even Cinderella needs a good Bra!

 Hello There,

    I've got a fun little princess post for you today about Cinderella. Everyone tends to think of Disney Princesses as these perfectly dressed pure hearted individuals. But every now and then even princesses are human, for one way or another. Women wear bras to provide support, and maintain modesty while also shaping and lifting their breasts to enhance their figure. While bras play a very important role in a woman's wardrobe, traditionally making them visible in your outfit in any capacity is usually seen as immodest. This is because bras are associated with undergarments and modesty standards typically emphasize concealing such intimate attire to maintain a more conservative appearance.

    So as a pure of heart princess, you probably don't want to go around being immodest and showing off your bra. However even the legendary Cinderella has had it happen from time to time. I was pursuing my collection of photos from the princesses at the Disney theme parks and found a few instances where Cinderella herself had some immodest moments of Bra strap slippage! Our first example is not too bad, Cindy's dress has lifted up just a little at the shoulder to reveal a beige bra strap underneath. While certainly not ideal to have accidentally revealed your bra strap, at least it was still technically beneath her dress.

    Our next reveal from Cinderella comes as her dress slips down on her shoulder a little, causing the strap of her matching blue bra to be revealed! While not ideal that her bra strap has been completely exposed, at least it matches her dress. I wonder if her panties match too? 

    Lastly we have by far Cindy's most egregious reveal of her bra. Not only is the strap of her Beige bra visible, the tops of both of her bra cups are visible as well. What kind of princess goes around showing off her bra cups at the top of her dress?! My oh my, Cindy what were you thinking?

    When it comes to accidentally showing off your undergarments, even Disney Princess aren't perfect. Even the most perfectly planned outfits can have small imperfections, being imperfect is part of what makes us human. Accidents happen every now and then, and as a huge fan of bras, I enjoyed seeing Cinderella accidentally show hers off, and I hope you did too!
