Monday, September 25, 2023

Wearing Visible Pantyhose in Public for the First Time!

 Hello There,

    I've got an extra fun update for you today, I finally visibly wore pantyhose in public!!! Like I mentioned in a previous blog post I just bought myself some pantyhose which hide really well in public. The pantyhose I bought were L'eggs Silken Mist Ultra Sheer Leg; which were very hard to see on my legs, making them perfect for wearing in public and not drawing any attention to myself. The reason I bought the pantyhose was so that I could wear them in public and I was going to act on my plan! For years I was envious of other crossdressers and transwomen who regularly wore pantyhose in public while dressed as a man, but now I was able to do it myself!

    But where to go, where would be my first outing as a proud pantyhose wearer? Well I already had to go to Costco to pick a few things up, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and make Costco my first destination in pantyhose! But seeing as this was going to be my first time doing this I wanted to play things a little safe; I would go to the Costco Business Center Store, which almost never had any people in it. I excitedly put my pantyhose on and over a pair of pink polka dot Victoria's Secret panties and got ready to be on my way! I also couldn't help but laugh, because if I bent over too much you could totally see my panties and pantyhose. Oh well, I just would have to be careful.

Proudly wearing my pantyhose I headed out my front door! I strut my stuff all the way to my car and got a video of my pantyhose clad legs along the way! Also snapped a pic of my legs in the sunshine. In the direct sunlight the pantyhose were actually fairly visible which made me a little nervous. It was too late to turn back however, I was committed! Side note if you've never worn pantyhose under some silky athletic shorts you are missing out, it feels fantastic!

Well I hopped in my car and I was on my way! I couldn't help but admire my pantyhose'd legs on my long drive to Costco, it felt so good to finally be wearing them out! 

    After about a 25 min drive I finally made it to my destination, and to my utter surprise it was absolutely packed! But I had chose this Costco because of how un busy it was, why was it so crowded?! Well it probably had something to do with the minor hurricane hitting my area in the next few days, and how better to prepare for a hurricane than buying bulk supplies at Costco. But I'd come to far to turn back now! The first thing I needed was gas for my car, so I got in line at Costco's gas station. I eagerly awaited my turn to pump gas and then the moment of truth finally came. I pulled up to the pump and got out. The sun was pointing directly onto my legs when I got out of the car, so I quickly got out and walked around to the pump. Thankfully it was an unassuming middle aged woman behind me, not the kinda person to stir up a fuss at the sight of a young man wearing pantyhose. Well I pumped my gas without issue and got back in my car. Success! I wore pantyhose while I pumped gas!

    Next came the hard part, going into the store. Like I said there was an absolute sea of people there. So despite my success at the gas station, I was feeling pretty nervous! I parked in what I thought would be a convenient spot for a quick get away, and after a few deep breaths I got out of my car and walked toward the store. My big moment of truth was nerve wracking but I kept walking! As I walked up to the store's entrance I did get a strange stare from a man who was also walking up. Was it that he was just absent mindedly staring, or was he wondering why is this young man wearing pantyhose?! Who knows. But I quickly passed him grabbed a cart and headed in. The store had people everywhere and luckily I only needed two things. So I quickly pushed my cart to grab my items (carefully avoiding busy aisles) and then headed to the registers when I got my items. Unfortunately because this was a smaller Business Center Costco there were no self checkout registers, which meant I'd have to interact with a another person. Thankfully due to the hoard of people the registers were pretty chaotic, which meant it was likely that no one was paying attention to me. I did feel very exposed standing there in line however, no where to walk away to if someone started staring at me. Well I finally got my chance to go to a register, quickly checked out and then got my but out of there! I walked out the exit quickly walked to my car, sat my butt in the seat, and let out a big sigh of relief! I DID IT!!! 

    My first time out in public was certainly a lot more eventful than I would've liked, however despite it all, I managed to visibly wear pantyhose in public! Now I certainly feel a lot better about doing it again, and again, and again LOL. The question is where will I go next?!
