Monday, January 29, 2024

My Biggest Influence!

 Hello There,

    I drew inspiration from many places in life when it came to adopting my feminine persona. I've already talked about my celebrity inspirations in a previous blog post, and while I certainly draw some inspiration from them they are far from my largest inspiration. During my formative years when I discovering things about myself I started doing research about crossdressing online. I happened to stumble upon a little blog called (don't bother trying to go to the site, it doesn't exist anymore), and suddenly I was enthralled. Lisa was a crossdresser who wrote about a variety of things, from her crossdressing adventures, to showing off her wardrobe, to advice pages (sound familiar LOL). I regularly checked back every week to read all her new posts, and soak up all of the crossdressing fun! 

    Lisa brought a sense of normalcy to crossdressing, it wasn't just some weird fetishy thing to her, this was part of her life. She always wrote with elegancy and a sense of joy that you could just feel as you read. As a young person coming to terms with who I was, being able to read regular blog entries from a man who wore woman's clothing because it made him feel gender affirmation, really made a massive impression on me. Perhaps even a man can feel like a real woman, even if only briefly. Lisa's blog milestones were simple and attainable, she showed that even the little things can make you feel like a woman. Woman don't just go out dancing or clothes shopping, women also do simple things like getting gas or mailing a letter. As long as you are presenting as a woman or wearing gender affirming clothes you too can feel like a woman.

    Speaking of clothes, Lisa always wore clothes that a woman of her age and background would realistically wear. While it's certainly fun to parade around in a prom dress, or show off in a skimpy club dress, women realistically almost never wear outfits like that. Lisa taught me that it's not always about showing off or being hyper feminine. Sometimes just feeling like a real woman is enough, especially if your goal is to take your womanhood out of the bedroom and into the real world. Things like t-shirts and jeans when presented in the right way can sell femininity just as much as a dress. Real women dress casual most of the time and so to craft realism means dressing causally. 

    That's not to say Lisa certainly couldn't be sexy when se wanted to be! She could always rock both the casuals and the sexier items of a woman's wardrobe!

    Lisa also highlighted lesser known articles of women's clothing that can be added to ones wardrobe to help further craft a realistic feminine wardrobe. As I've discussed before I love slips and pantyhose. My love for both of these modesty garments comes from Lisa! Lisa was outspoken about her love of pantyhose and all their benefits, and for the longest time I just ignored her advice. Of course eventually I caved and started wearing them regularly, she was of course right about them LOL. Same goes for slips, Lisa would often go out of her way to create an outfit that would incorporate slips, as I often do now. In her blog post on slips she even went so far as to say: Hopefully someone will one day say to me in public, "your slip is showing," and then I can reply to them, "good!". From slips, to pantyhose, to even Maxi Pads, Lisa always had something new to recommend, and you could ALWAYS count on the recommendation to be good.

    As time progressed she began to identify as a transgender woman, and made the decision to make some major life changes. She decided to come out to her wife, and for the sake of her family's privacy, close down her blog. Lisa posted the following before closing down her blog:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce the closing of my public crossdressing diary as of August 31, 2019. Exactly 10 years ago, I felt the need to share my story with the world because I knew there were so many people out there just like me, and I've enjoyed every minute of telling my story and getting to know each of you.

10 years ago, terms like "transgender" and "gender dysphoria" were unnamed conditions that existed in our hearts, and while we knew they were there and real, we were just hoping to be able to find some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. I think we've certainly done that over the past decade, and I will always look back on this time with fond memories.

The reason for this life change is that I finally had the full talk with my wife (including her reading this blog), and everything is now out in the open from my innermost feelings to my vast bra collection...which yes, is larger than hers. : )  I'm overjoyed to report that she accepts who I am and supports me fully. We both decided that for her protection and the protection of our children that it was best if I lessen my public profile, and part of that change is closing this chapter of my online diary.

With my wife's support, I will still be able to venture out into public as a girl, meet up with my friends, and most importantly keep in touch with all of you. Furthermore, my wife and I are already planning special "girls nights out" for the two of us. Life couldn't be better for me now, and I'm excited--and anxious--to see what the next 10 years will bring, but I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for being there.


    Needless to say I was devastated, no more advice to receive, no more fun adventures to read. It was quite the blow to me. But as we all know coming out is hard, and not without its consequences, so it's completely understandable that she felt the need to close down her blog. I look back on my time regularly reading Lisa's blog with a deep fondness. She always had some insight to give on how to feel feminine in one way or another. There was no other person had had a larger influence of my womanhood than Lisa, and on the slim chance that she's reading this now I can not express enough how much you changed my life for the better. You helped me understand that sometimes I wanted to fell like a girl and that it was OKAY! Thank you Lisa for your influence, charm, and years of entertainment. 

    Unfortunately for many, they'll have never gotten to experience any of Lisa's writings. Which is why I plan to feature a select few here on the privacy of my little blog. Look forward to me featuring some of Lisa's advice columns below soon!