Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Perfect Pantyhose!

 Hello there, 

    Today I thought I’d talk about Pantyhose and Tights! Although they’ve sort of faded out of fashion I'm a big fan of pantyhose and tights. Modern women tend to prefer bare/ shaved legs when wearing an outfit that shows your legs off, which is a departure from days past when pantyhose were an essential part of every woman's daily outfit. While I certainly can’t deny that bare legs are an attractive look, I believe that legs clad in pantyhose can be just as effective at conveying the beauty of a woman's legs. Additionally to those of us who are not genetic women, pantyhose can be an incredibly effective tool at hiding our masculinity.

    Let’s start there, hiding masculinity. When it comes to men who want to present as women, one of the major challenges they face is hiding leg hair. Now for some the solution is simple: just shave your legs. For others however, this is not possible as it may out them as secretly gender fluid or transgender, which unfortunately for many is not an option. This is the case for me as I work a job which has a uniform that requires the wearing of shorts, it would be immediately noticeable if I were to shave my legs fully. However, much like women in the past I believe an outfit is never complete without a pair of pantyhose. This helps hide the problem of my unshaved legs as well as any nicks or cuts I might get from working a physical job. Fortunately pantyhose and tights come in multiple colors and opacities which is not only helpful for customizing an outfit but also catering to personal needs of masculine concealment. Thick leg hair, go for a pair of black pantyhose. Large bruise on your knee, wear some opaque tights. The options are endless! Finally, they also help to smooth your crotch, which helps conceal our man bits.

    Now that we’ve talked about the logistical benefits of wearing pantyhose, let's talk about the joys of pantyhose. Admittedly when I first started dressing, I was not a very big fan of pantyhose or tights, I didn't really see the benefit of wearing them and I thought they were uncomfortable. However among the crossdresser communities online it was in almost unanimous agreement that pantyhose not only felt great to wear, but were also essential to every crossdresser’s wardrobe. In particular there used to be a crossdressing blog: lisagirl.net, (which was a massive influence on me in my formative years as a young crossdresser), in this blog Lisa was a huge advocate of the wearing of pantyhose. She wore them every chance she got, including when she presented as a man. So surely if pantyhose had become such a large part of Lisa’s life, there must be something I could learn to enjoy about them. So I slowly started buying and trying on pantyhose, and it took a lot of trial and error to my size and what I liked. Inevitably, yes I learned to love pantyhose. I feel there’s so much to love about them:
           1. The feeling of the fabric on your legs/ the feeling of dresses brushing up against them 

2. The way they hide my leg hair, and create a smooth leg

3. The way they hide my toes, no need for perfect pedicured painted toenails

4. The variety of colors/ shininess that covers your legs, which makes me feel feminine

    That list could certainly go on and on. One last thing I enjoy about pantyhose and tights is something that I feel is often overlooked. For many the reason we crossdress is the euphoria of feeling feminine, and we often try to find new ways to enhance that feeling. Pantyhose are a uniquely feminine item of clothing, there is almost no analogous counterpart for men other than some fairly obscure products. Therefore the act of wearing pantyhose is one that is uniquely feminine, and is something almost no man will experience. So if you are looking to further develop your feminine journey give pantyhose a try I think you’ll enjoy them.

    Well I hope I’ve convinced you how wonderful pantyhose and tights can be. For those of you that have tried them and are struggling to enjoy them, try sizing up. By far the worst aspect of pantyhose is how annoying they are to put on. Buying a size slightly larger than you think you need will help you get them on and off a bit easier and help prevent things like runs and tears. Also buying a slightly larger size than you think you need should not have any negative effects when wearing them, just make sure when you’re putting them on that you do your best to create a smooth leg and not leave bunches of fabric. Happy pantyhose wearing!
