Monday, January 15, 2024

2024 Bucket List

 Hello There,

    New Year, new bucket list! So I'm back again with my 2024 bucket list! I already published my summary of how I did on my 2023 bucket list so go check that out! As I mentioned in that post some of my goals from 2023 are going to roll over into 2024 because I didn't get to check them off of my 2023 list. As with my 2023 list it'll be fun to see at the end of 2024 how many things I accomplish! Well without any further ado here is my 2024 bucket list!

1. Get a Bra fitting at Victoria's Secret: This one was on my 2023 bucket list too, and even though I didn't accomplish it, it's still my number 1 bucket list item for the new year! They use a tape measurer on you right there in the store to find your bra size, and then recommend styles that would fit you best. It can definitely be a little awkward to get one because unless you suffer from gynecomastia, there's no real reason for a guy to be getting a bra fitting at Victoria's Secret, other than for personal pleasure (or a feeling of gender conformity for us genderfluid and transgender folks, but most people are too narrow minded to think of that). So I'm interested to confirm my bra size and for the feminine experience, and since bras are so important to me this is an experience I feel I can't go without!

2. Go out in Public: I've been working towards this goal for a few months now. From perfecting my makeup skills to planning an outfit I've been getting myself ready for when I take those first steps out my door! Hopefully 2024 is the year Carly get's to get some fresh air!

3. Be more bold with my blog posting: I've had several blog posts that I've fully written but haven't posted yet due to fear of other's perceptions of me. But this is my blog!  I should be able to post what I want. Here's hoping that in 2024 I'll be a little less gun shy about what I post! Look forward to more hard hitting and possible NSFW topics coming to this blog soon.

4. Cosplay as a comic book character: There's certainly no shortage of princesses on this blog, but I'm interested in cosplaying other characters as well. Comic book characters have always had a huge association with cosplay, and as a fan of both comics and cosplay it seems strange that I haven't done it yet. Hopefully 2024 will be the year that Carly finally gets to become a super heroine!

5. Experiment with more makeup: I've used the same basic makeup for years now, and while it certainly works well, I think it's time I tried some new things. Even if it's just new lipstick or eyeshadow colors, adding new items to my makeup bag would be great!

6. Find a better storage solution: It's always such a hassle for me to find any particular item of clothing in my clothing bin. I really need to find a way to organize things better and make my wardrobe more accessible!

7. Finally buy myself a Wedding Dress: If you missed my last disastrous attempt to buy a wedding dress, read about it here. But since I've been on the hunt for a wedding dress for years I can't give up now!

8. Keep the Princesses coming: Obviously I've got quite a few Disney princess posts on this blog, well I have no intention of stopping anytime soon! I want to keep the princess posts coming. Plus I've got a special new addition coming to my blog that may just be princess related, so stay tuned!

9. Try a new wig: My wig has seen better days and is getting towards the end of it's life. While I can always order myself the same wig again, it'd be fun to try something new. I'd especially like to try a new color or style.

10. Do at least 5 photo sessions during the year: A lot of times when I get all dolled up it might just be for a few hours and I don't end up taking pictures of myself, which is unfortunate because then I have a lack of content for my blog. Well my big goal for next year is to do no less than 5 photo shoots of myself during the year. 5 seems like a reasonable number and should add plenty of new content for my blog. 

    There's my list for 2024! Here's hoping it's another excellent year of feminine fun for us all! Keep your eyes on this blog because I hope to keep adding to it all year long!
