Sunday, April 2, 2023

Disney Princesses Pt. 2!!

 Hello There!

    I promised I'd be back to talk more Disney Princesses didn't I?! After writing my first post on them I got all fired up and just had to talk about them again (plus I needed an excuse to go out and buy some more princess dresses). So yes spoiler alert I added some new princess dresses to my collection, but before we get to that I wanted to touch on another princess related topic first. So sit back, get your poofiest princess dress on and enjoy!

   Before we get to all my latest acquisitions I wanted to talk about my biggest inspiration behind my love of Disney Princesses: The Disney Parks Princesses. These are by far some of the most gorgeous women you'll ever see, embodying everything that makes femininity so great: kindness, beauty, and grace. One can not help but be mesmerized by them with every photo they're in. But not only are they beautiful, they're hair, makeup, and dresses are all on another level. No cosplayer has ever managed to perfectly recreate the magic that is the dresses of the Disney Park Princesses. While I've certainly enjoyed doing my own versions of these characters, there's really just something otherworldly about what they manage to pull off. I figured I'd share some of my favorite photos from my collection bellow for you all to enjoy. Additionally here's the link to a great Flickr group where thousands of these photos are posted.

    Hope you enjoyed those! I have plenty more that I can post, maybe I'll do featured pages for each princess hmmmm... Anyway, now on to my recent princess acquisitions. One of the things I discussed in my original princess post was how my love of Disney Princesses made me feel youthful. So to piggyback off that feeling something else that feels youthful to me are a cute pair of patterned pajamas, like a little girl might wear. I've been on the hunt for the perfect pair of princess pajamas for years now and haven't come across anything just right yet, until recently! I found a pair on amazon featuring 4 of my favorite princesses in their iconic gowns: Belle, Cinderella, Aurora, and Rapunzel (No Ariel unfortunately to complete my top 5). Not only did it feature most of my favorite princess, but it was also pink! How could I resist?! So of course I bought it, and it fit like a dream, very comfortable too! Now I can get my beauty sleep with Sleeping Beauty dotted all over me LOL.

    Since I ordered something cozy to sleep in I figured I also needed something to keep me warm. I'm sure you remember my Disney Princess room from my last post, with all my Princess blankets, well since I don't have any of those anymore I was in need of a new one, and the one I found on amazon again had 4 out of 5 of my favorite princesses, this time swapping Rapunzel for Ariel. It's super soft and just oh so cute!

    Ok and now for the moment we've all been waiting for, My new princess dresses!!! So when it came to ordering new dresses, I first of course had to choose which princess I wanted to add to my collection. Now I already had Cinderella and Snow White, and had previously owned Belle. While I would certainly like to upgrade those dresses to nicer versions, I for now wanted to focus on Princesses' whose dresses I had not yet worn. That being said I totally used this blog post as an excuse to re-wear my Cinderella and Snow White Dresses so I could take new photos in them!

    Onto my new dresses! The first princess I wanted to add to my collection was Aurora. Her pink dress is absolutely to die for (sorry blue dress fans, pink is better). However, one unfortunate problem with her dress I've found is that costume companies make them either too elaborate or too expensive. Her dress is sleek and simple, you'd think It'd be easy for costume designers to nail it, but they really haven't. I went with Leg Avenue's Version of the dress because it was reasonably priced and came fairly close to the original design. But OMG let me warn you it was an absolute glitter bomb! There was heaps of gold glitter all over my room so buy with caution! Otherwise the dress was soft, fit ok, and had great color. I'm still on the hunt for my perfect Aurora dress but this will have to suffice for now. 

    For my next dress it was an easy choice: Rapunzel! For the longest time I wasn't a fan of Rapunzel's dress, but it has recently really grown on me. It has a bunch of features that make women's clothes so fun: Lace, Floral patterns, Satins, and it's Purple! Not only did I fall in love with her dress, after watching Tangled a few times Rapunzel quickly became one of my favorite princesses! I also had to bust out a frying pan to replicate her iconic weapon.

    I've also got one final surprise, after writing my first post I was really missing having a Belle dress. Since I was planning on re-wearing my other two princess dresses during this photoshoot anyway I figured I just had to get my hands on another Belle dress again. I was fairly happy with the quality of the last one I purchased, so I went ahead and bought another one, also because it was a good price. The dress still feels magical to wear, and I'm glad I got to take pictures in it with my modern makeup skills.

That's about all I've got for you in this Princess update post. Expect a part three! Like my first post this one has inspired me to go out and get more princess things so I'll be back for more. Also after combing through all the pictures I've saved of Disney Parks' Princesses, I'd love to share more with you so I'm tempted to do featured posts on single princess. If I do that it also may give me an excuse to buy new versions of some of the princess dresses I already have. Who knows, stay tuned for more I guess!!
