Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Underdressing in College Classes

 Hello There,

    Just wanted to quickly talk about the few times I underdressed in College during my classes. During my sophomore year of college I was still living in a dorm on campus, but I had a private bedroom all to myself, which meant I was finally able to own women's clothing for myself, I talk a little bit about this in my caught by an R. A. post. Toward the end of the school year I was feeling a little more bold with my desire to wear women's clothing. So I started underdressing in public to satisfy my need to feel feminine more. I'd read online about men wearing women's lingerie under their clothes to work and school without any problem so I thought I'd try the same. Step one was panties, and I started with quick tasks like taking out the trash or walking to my car. Eventually I started adding Bras and pantyhose (only wore pantyhose under long pants), and started getting braver and braver with when I wore things. 

    The time eventually came for a big step. I wanted to underdress during class, I'd read about people online doing it and now it was my turn! While I'd done other public excursions before like going to the movies while underdressed, going to class while underdressed was so much more nerve wracking because I had to see these people 3 times a week. Despite the stress of possibly being outed to my peers, I was going to take the risk. I started by by going all out, a full set of bra, panties, and pantyhose, underneath sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I picked calculus as my first class because it would be easy to sit in the back, and everyone would be paying attention to the professor and not me. Needless to say it was extremely scary walking across campus in the middle of the day with all the fellow students out, and me wearing women's underwear under my guy clothes. Once I got to the lecture hall and sat down I was extremely careful to pull up my pants high enough so that my panties wouldn't be visible from the back, but not so high up that you could see my pantyhose at my ankles. I was nervous all class and was glad when it was finally over so I could head back to my dorm. After another scary trip walking across campus I made it back to my dorm room. Once I was safe within the privacy of my room I let out a big sigh of relief. While the whole ordeal was certainly scary, it was also exhilarating! I managed to be out in public among my peers in women's clothes! I felt amazing, so I knew this would not be the last time. 

    On and off over the next few months I underdressed in class and never had any problems other than my own silly nerves. As the school year was coming to an end I wanted to be more bold with my underdressing, and as a grand finale I decided to underdress to my chemistry lab final exam. Since I had to wear long scrubs and a lab coat I knew that it would be a great opportunity to underdress. What made this far more problematic than my regular underdressing in class is how much bending over and moving around I would be doing. The chances I would show panty lines, or that the outline of my bra straps would become visible would be drastically increased. But it was my last day of the class and I was feeling bold, what did it matter if some people figured out what I was wearing, I was never going to see any of them again. Well the day of truth came, I slipped on my favorite women's bra and panties to underdress in (similar to what is pictured below) and headed off to class.

    Now I was already stressed about doing my final lab exam, so that distracted me from the stress of underdressing. But about half way through the exam, after I'd done a lot of walking around and bending over to grab ingredients and beakers, I noticed my lab partner who I shared a desk with was starting to give me strange looks. We were not aloud to talk to each other during the exam, but I could tell she was definitely looking up and down at me strange. When the exam is finally over I handed in my paperwork and quickly exited. I briskly walked back to my dorm room and found relief in my bedroom. I was frantically wondering if she had figured me out, so I replicated some of the motions I remembered doing during the exam in my mirror, and sure enough to a very keen eye the outline of my bra was visible on my back. Oh well, one person figured me out, but I never saw her again so no big deal. 

    After my potential slip up at my chemistry lab exam I was a lot more cautious about underdressing in class. I did it off and on over the next couple years, but I was more selective about when I did it. I still got to have lots of fun but I made sure I would never out myself again. 
