Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Caught by a R.A.?

 Hello there,

    Thought I'd share a fun little story today about the time I was sort of caught by a R.A. at my college. So during my Sophomore year of college I lived in a dorm on campus that had a private bedroom. Naturally I took advantage of this situation by getting to wear women's clothes whenever I wanted. This period of time was right when I started buying clothes for myself so I was still figuring out sizing. Naturally I had a lot of extra clothes that didn't quite fit right, so the bottom drawer of my dresser tended to be overflowing with bras, panties, and a few dresses. Whenever I dressed I tended to just throw my clothes all over the room to help piece outfits together, and get clothes that don't fit right out of the way. Well one morning I had some time before class and thought I'd throw an outfit on for a little while before I had to leave. I went with a white v-neck t-shirt and jeans (simple I know, but one of my absolute favorite outfits). Well after lounging about for a few hours it was time for class, so I switched back to guy mode, and put all my girls clothes away. Well, almost all my girls clothes, I had left a bluish gray "Add 2 Cup sizes" Push Up Bra from Smart & Sexy draped over my bed. I thought it had looked cute just lying there on my bed and added a feminine touch to an otherwise boring and masculine room, so I chose not to put it away. 

    So I left for class and locked my door behind me, looking forward to seeing my bra lying there when I got back. Well I was in for quite a shock when I got back from class: my bedroom was not only unlocked, but the door was slightly propped open. When I opened the door all the way I found no one in there but the bra I had left behind. So I quickly closed the door and frantically tried to figure out what happened. It wouldn't take me long however as I heard one of my roommates walking through the common area of our dorm, I quickly threw the bra under my sheets and walked out to ask him what had happened. He had said that the building's Resident Assistant had done surprise inspections on all of our bedrooms. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or concerned, while I'm sure my R.A. wouldn't say anything about my feminine garment, who knows if any of my roommates might've walked by while the R.A. was inspecting and happened to see my bra. Thankfully no one ever made a comment about it and my R.A. seems to have kept my secret. I always thought it was such a crazy coincidence that the one time I left girl's clothes out, was the time someone came into my room. Oh well, at least it was a fun story. Oh, and FYI the picture is the exact bra I had owned and left out, cute right?!
