Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Womanless Beauty Pageants?

 Hello There,

    I wanted to touch on a fun subject today that has a strange contradiction surrounding its cultural acceptance: Womanless Beauty Pageants. Seeing as you're reading a blog that touches on several LGBTQ+ issues, it is probably safe to assume that you are somewhat up to date on the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community in this country. A hot button issue right now are drag queens, and according to their conservative critics the threat they may pose to children (which is obviously ridiculous nonsense). But what I find most intriguing about this topic is that many of these same states implementing bans on drag queens to protect children, are the same states that are actively dressing boys in drag for womanless beauty pageants! Womanless beauty pageants, are not exclusive to states that have a largely Conservative population, however the majority are held and have long been held in schools in Conservative States. This is such a strange and intriguing contradiction, to me! But by no means am I here to bash the existence of womanless beauty pageants, just as I support Drag Queens, I too support womanless beauty pageants! Before talking a little bit more about them I just wanted to point out that strange dichotomy and how hypocritical LGBTQ+ critics can be.

    Now that I'm off my soap box, lets talk womanless beauty pageants! They are exactly what they sound like, Beauty pageants without any woman contestants. Instead they feature males dressing fully as females in a beauty competition. They are also commonly held in high schools and middle schools, which would put the boys at around the same age as the girls that typically compete in beauty pageants. Usually these pageants are played off as a joke, like "ha ha look at all those boys all dolled up, they must hate it". While for many of competitors it is undoubtedly a joke, you can certainly see it in the faces of some that they are enjoying themselves. Whether they are secretly transgender or genderfluid, or just gay, womanless beauty pageants are a great opportunity for boys to experience they joys of femininity for the first time. I wanted to share some photos of some amazing womanless beauty pageants competitors who are both beautiful and also obviously enjoying themselves, so that you might share in a little of their joy. 





    The last individual competitor I wanted to highlight is a fun one, "she" competed in her school's beauty pageant one year and lost but then competed again the next year and won! You can totally see they joy in "her" face!
First Year Loss:

Second Year Victory:


    Before I wrap this post up I just wanted to reiterate how great an opportunity I believe Womanless Beauty Pageants are. Sure for the manly men they're a great laugh, but for those of us who feel the urge to be feminine they're a great opportunity to get to express yourself. I can't imagine how many boys felt utter euphoria getting to compete in a womanless beauty pageant. Looking at pictures online made me so jealous when I was a kid, they were all so lucky to be able to get dolled up and wear gorgeous dresses, and to have it be socially acceptable even if it was only for one night. Given the times we live in now I wouldn't be surprised if womanless beauty pageants began to fade away, but I hope that's not so. I hope boys all across this country will continue to have the opportunity to feel the joys of femininity even if it's for only briefly and under the guise of a joke. I will leave you with some more pictures below, so even if you're someone like me who was unlucky enough to not compete in a pageant at least you can enjoy the sight of others who did.
