Monday, August 21, 2023

Quick Life Update

 Hello There,

    Hey friends, I just wanted to give you all a quick life update today! You may have noticed that I have decreased the amount of new posts that feature me doing new crossdressing things. Well that's because my life has been super busy recently, and I've found it hard to find time to dress. As I've mentioned in a previous post in my current living situation I am unable to freely dress as much as I used to. Additionally, I've recently found myself in a new relationship with a lovely girl, so spending time with her has eaten up a lot of my free time. Thankfully she is fully supportive of the fact that I am Genderfluid, and does not care if I dress around her. So come next year when I no longer live with my current roommate hopefully I'll be dressing a lot more frequently!

    In the meantime I've been trying to post other fun blog posts like my series on crossdressing in different decades (70s coming very very soon!), and some exciting secret princess related stuff in the near future. Despite of all that stuff, I'm going to keep trying to get some blog posts out there about myself, because I'm sure that's why most of you are here LOL. Either way thanks for enjoying the blog and stick around for more feminine fun!
