Monday, August 7, 2023

Dress Game by Asayris art!

 Hello There,

    I stumbled on a fun series of images by artist Asayris who does fantastic fashion illustrations. Of all the different art pieces Asayris has created my favorite is a series of illustrations showing alternate versions of the same outfit with slightly different styling. Each piece has four different versions, and gives the viewer the opportunity to choose their favorite. I figured for a bit of fun we'd go piece by piece and see how your fashion choices compare to mine!

Fantasy Dress:

First of all, what a beautiful style and color! For me personally I prefer option d. ( unsurprisingly since it's the "princess" style, I'm nothing if not consistent). Personally I think the bows on option c. distract from the beautiful cut of the dress. With the shoulder straps, the shoulder straps on c. feel a little too minimal, and on a. feel like a little too much, d. is just right!

Black Dress

So for this one I'm going with option c.  Of course these are all super beautiful I just like the silhouette option c. cuts, but unlike option d, it still leaves a little to imagination. 

Romantic Dress

Ok for our romantic dress, it's gotta be option c. for me. I'm probably projecting since I don't like showing my midriff. However I'm also a massive fan of V-necks so that drew me to this design also.

Purple Dresses

The differences in this one are subtle, but for me I think option d. is going to be my choice. Option c. is far too conservative of a neck line to be fun. As for the other 3, I think option d. is the best happy medium for the shoulders between having some exaggeration of none.

Black Tops Pt. 1

I am struggling on this one, both c. and d. are tied up for me. Ultimately I think I'm going with c. because of the simpler design on the stomach. By simplifying it it feels more like a top and less like a corset, not that there's anything wrong with that LOL.

Black Tops Pt. 2

Ok, a little bit more design diversity in this last one and it's a little bit easier for me this time, it's gotta be design b. for our final round. I love sleeves so I narrowed it down to b. and d., but I like the sleekness of b., I think it compliments the sheer sleeves well.

    Well there you have it everyone, how did your choices compare to mine? This was such a fun little game to play, and I hope you all enjoyed it too! Definitely go check out Asayris art, as a final showcase I'll add a few more of my favorite illustrations below!
