Monday, July 10, 2023

Why Do I Always Default to Dresses?

 Hello There,

    A problem I often struggle with is that when it comes to shopping for, and picking outfits to wear, is that I usually default to dresses. That's not to say that I don't enjoy other clothing styles, but 9 times out of 10 I find myself gravitating towards dresses. Which is super unfortunate because there are so many other styles of clothing to choose from and enjoy. I mentioned in my post about my 2023 bucket list that I really want to try styles of clothing beyond dresses, but why do I have this problem? Modern women do not spend the majority of their time wearing dresses, they are usually just found in a t-shirt with jeans or leggings. So if I am trying my best to express myself as a modern woman, what makes me always default to dresses? I think I've got some ideas.

    Firstly when I get to present as feminine, I want to feel feminine. It's a great moment of gender euphoria when I finally find the time to express myself as a girl, and I want to make the most of it. Dresses are inherently very feminine pieces of clothing, so wearing one satisfies my need to feel extra feminine when I dress. For me there's nothing quite like the feeling of a dress brushing across your legs as you walk around. Granted there are plenty outfits that can make you feel feminine without wearing a dress (skirts are a thing you know LOL), and I have several outfits I love to wear that aren't dresses. But I still find myself gravitating towards dresses all the time. They scratch my itch to feel like a girly girl.

    Another factor that probably pushes me toward choosing dresses is that fact that they are so easy to throw on. Additionally, by wearing one you've pretty much completed your whole outfit. You have no need to match your top with your skirt or pants because a dress is one complete piece. They just make dressing as a woman so easy when I get a full outfit all with one item of clothing. So this means with just one piece I can complete an outfit and satisfy my need to feel extra feminine. Quite honestly it's just sort of me being lazy. I can put in the effort to match several items together to make an outfit or I can slip one on and be done. I feel like I'm missing so much just for the sake of convenience. But when my time is limited, and I want to feel feminine I just can't go wrong with a dress. I need to be better about it, women often take the time to create a cute outfit and I should too!

    I'm working on it, but obviously I will never be able to deny that I love wearing dresses. They've become a part of my feminine identity. But I also have to recognize that I'm missing so many things to wear. Moving forward I hope to try and strike a balance between wearing dresses and other outfits. There's more to try and I don't want to miss out on anything! 
