Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What's my guy half like?

 Hello There,

    If you've been keeping up with this blog than you certainly know a lot about my feminine half. However seeing as I'm gender fluid that also means that I've got a masculine side as well. Figured I'd make this post incase anyone was interested in the other half of my life. Since I'm sure most of you would prefer to hear about girly things I'll keep this post brief and to the point! 

    I'm generally a pretty laid back guy, I love to be adventurous and go out and do things, but I'm just as content hanging out at home. I'm a MASSIVE nerd, I'm into things like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, and enjoying all the different media of these fandoms takes up a lot of my time. Outside of nerdy things I also love the outdoors. Nature is so awesome and there's so much of it to experience. Whether I go to a national park to see new sights or to a Zoo to see new animals I just love to experience the natural world! Some other odds and ends about me are that I love to get drinks with friends, listen to music, play video games and collect various memorabilia. 

    I know that's a pretty brief summary of me but like I mentioned I'm going to keep the focus of this blog on my feminine half. Sometimes my two halves blur together so you never know maybe there will be more content related to my other half on here eventually, stay tuned I guess.
