Monday, June 17, 2024

Pantyhose Shopping Spree at Walmart

 Hello There,

    I thought I'd share a fun little story about a little shopping spree that I went on recently. So it's no secret that I love pantyhose, and after years of searching I finally found the perfect pair of pantyhose for me! I've always loved L'eggs pantyhose, so it was so satisfying to finally find the perfect size, style, and color for me! Walmart was always my go to shop for L'eggs pantyhose, but to my shock it seemed as though all my local Walmarts had stopped selling L'eggs pantyhose! They sold other brands of pantyhose, but not my precious L'eggs! It was a travesty! Just after finding the perfect pantyhose they were taken from me!!! Or so I thought.... 

    I was visiting some family about a couple months ago (I know I'm late publishing this), and I needed to pick up a few things at their local Walmart. Although I don't normally browse for girly things when visiting family, I was feeling a feminine urge and headed towards the women's clothing section. I rounded the corner and approached the underwear section, and to my surprise what did I see?! L'eggs pantyhose!!

    I excitedly ran over to the rack containing dozens of different L'eggs pantyhose products! I was overcome with joy and excitement! I was so thankful that my favorite pantyhose were still available in some places! I started by rifling through the rack to see what sort of goodies I could find!

    I started by trying to find my favorite style of L'eggs, Silken Mist Ultra Sheer Leg Pantyhose in my size of Q+. I ended up finding three boxes, with two pairs of pantyhose in each box! I was going to be fully restocked with my favorite pantyhose. But I was feeling inspired, maybe it was my overwhelming joy and excitement at finally finding L'eggs pantyhose again or maybe it was the sexy portraits of pantyhose clad legs on the side of the rack, but I wanted more! I ended up buying a four different colors and styles as well!

    In total I ended up walking out with seven different boxes of pantyhose, fourteen pairs total! What a great feeling it was, I've never been so proud and excited to check out at a Walmart LOL. More than anything it's good to know that L'eggs pantyhose aren't a product of the past. I still may find myself buying more than a few boxes of them if I come across another treasure trove such as this. But until then these seven boxes will have to do!
