Saturday, December 10, 2022

Feminine Withdrawal Shopping Spree

 Hello There,

    Today I thought I'd share a story from November 2020 when I went on a shopping spree due to pent up feminine withdrawal. During November 2020 it was during peak Covid times, I was living with my parents, and I had not yet gotten a full time job after graduating college earlier that year. So naturally I was feeling pretty pent up and bored. Additionally after graduating college I purged my collection of women's clothing in anticipation of having to move back in with my parents. So I had therefore not expressed myself as a woman in almost 8 months. It was almost the perfect storm to force my hand, I was bored, had a lot of free time, and was in desperate need of some feminine fun. Eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and had to do some crossdressing, which also meant of course that I had to get some clothes, and shoes, and makeup, and a wig (basically everything LOL). Normally I do a lot of my shopping online, that way I can buy exactly what I want, but I was in no mood to wait for shipping. I needed to dress now!! That being said I wasn't willing to spend oodles of cash on what was essentially a spur of the moment decision. I wasn't just going to walk into Macy's and spend hundreds of dollars on a dress, and shoes. So I went to goodwill to try and see if there was anything that caught my eye, and if I came up empty handed I would call the whole thing off. Even though goodwill is very hit or miss I found an adorable and very sexy red satin mini party dress, as well as some cute black heels that looked like they would fit me! Thankfully my trip to goodwill was a total success, and my girls night was a go! But I needed more than a dress and heels, still on my list was a bra, panties, pantyhose, makeup and a wig. Luckily all of that was available at Walmart including the wig, which was a leftover Halloween wig and on sale for five dollars! It wasn't exactly as nice or as high quality a wig as I was used to, but it would serve its purpose. I finally had everything I needed in hand and was ready for my big night.

    As I said earlier I was living with my parents at the time so I had to be extra careful as to when I was going to get myself all dolled up. I therefore chose the middle of the night to avoid possibly getting caught. I did my makeup in a tiny mirror I had in my room, with a very dim light. What was additionally unfortunate was that I had a beard at the time that I wasn't planning on shaving off, so I only got to do makeup on the upper half of my head. Thankfully due to Covid however, I had a face mask I could use to hide my beard in pictures. After my makeup was done I slipped into my new pink panties. I bought a thong which usually is not my favorite style of panty but I was in the mood for something extra feminine, which a pink thong certainly is. I then went ahead and finished off my underwear ensemble with a bra and pantyhose. Wearing a full set of women's underwear again was a dream come true! Then came the moment of truth, I didn't try the dress on before I bought it so I had no idea if it was going to fit. I slipped the dress over me and it thankfully fit amazing! Then came my crappy Halloween wig and I was in full feminine bliss, a girl again! My feminine spirit weren't dampened by my beard or cheap wig, I was just happy to be able to express myself again. I went ahead and took a bunch of pictures of myself to celebrate the moment and then I unfortunately had to de-girl. 

    Spur of the moment decisions don't always turn out well but this one certainly did for me. I found a cute dress for cheap, I wasn't caught by my parents, and I got to revel in the joy of femininity! Bellow you'll find several pictures from my night of fun, and even though they are far from my most passable pictures, they remind me of the overwhelming joy of getting to dress again after so very long. Also check out some pics bellow where I recreated the outfit I wore that night but with my current wig and makeup skills.


Writing this post inspired me to wear this outfit again, check out my modern recreation: