Thursday, October 27, 2022

Pantyhose in the Passenger Seat

 Hello there,

    I've got a quick cute little story today about buying pantyhose. When I was still in college I was out shopping one night (in guy mode) as I wanted to buy a new pair of nude pantyhose. So I stopped into Walmart, picked up the few other things I needed and before heading out stopped in the women's underwear section to quickly grab myself a pair of L'eggs nude pantyhose. Getting a new pair of pantyhose is always so fun, when I got back to my car I took the pantyhose box out to get a final excited glance at it before I drove home. I left the box prominently displayed on the passenger seat so I could look over and take delight in thought of trying them on later. On the drive home I was feeling a little hungry so I decided to stop at a McDonald's drive through to grab something quick to eat. Well I made my order at the speaker and pulled forward to the window. The woman behind the register went ahead and told my my total so I paid and waited for my food. While I was waiting I couldn't help but feel like the woman at the register was staring at me, "that's strange" I thought, so I just kept looking down at my phone as I waited. Then I heard her call the name of one of her female coworkers to come over. When her coworker arrived to the window they started discreetly pointing into my car and laughing with each other. Of course at this point I discerned that they were laughing about the Pantyhose in my passenger seat, but what did I care, they don't know me. I thought how wonderful these Pantyhose are, not only are they going to give me joy when I get to wear them later, but they're giving the two McDonald's employees some joy at the sight of them in a man's car. Inevitably my food arrived, and as the woman handed it to me we both cracked a bit of an awkward smile. I drove away food in hand, with a fun story and some pantyhose to wear later, all in all I'd call it a successful night!
