Monday, August 12, 2024

New Fiction Story Coming Soon!

 Hello There,

    I've never been a fan of reading or writing fiction based male to female stories. However, I have a fond memory of reading a fiction story about a teen boy staying with his aunt for the summer where after ruining his clothes in the wash, he begins wearing her clothes. Unfortunately, despite reading this story many times in my youth, this specific story seems to have been deleted from the internet, or hidden somewhere where google can't find it. 

    Since I can no longer enjoy reading this story I've decided to make my own!! Although it will follow similar plot points as the original it will be it's own story! I'm calling the story "My summer with Aunt Sarah", and it features high school student Tyler's summer with Aunt Sarah, and what happens when his entire wardrobe is ruined in the washing machine.

    I should be publishing the first five chapters and prologue bi-weekly, and then I may move on to another story I've got cooking up. I'll still be publishing continuations of the My summer with Aunt Sarah story in single chapters so you can look forward to these characters sticking around for at least a little while. Not sure when the official start date will be, but I thought I'd give you all something to look forward to!
