Monday, March 3, 2025

Fun TRUE Stories of CDs Getting Caught by Their Mothers

Hello There,

    Whether it be for the thrill, frights, or desire for acceptance, us CDs love a good getting caught story. That being said there's nothing worse than reading a fictional getting caught story; they always jump straight to full blown sex or a sex change, they're ridiculous!  So I thought I'd do some research and find the most entertaining getting caught crossdressing stories I could find that are actually TRUE! At least as true as I can tell, you should always take any information you find on the internet with a grain of salt. 

    This blog post was originally going to feature a variety of getting caught stories from CDs, however after doing extensive research it seems that many of the best stories feature the mothers of crossdressers. So that'll be the theme of today's post, getting caught crossdressing by moms! There's lots of great getting caught stories out there however, so we'll have to come back to do some of those! But for know, how exactly did these moms react to their son's crossdressing?! Each of these stories were taken from various websites and threads throughout the internet featuring true stories from crossdressers about getting caught. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did!

The Purple Dress

I had now just turned 15 and it was the summer holidays from school. My mum was working full time leaving me with a lot of time to dress up, when not going out with my mates. I was doing a paper round at the time so had money to buy cigarettes, tights, underwear and makeup!! At this time my mum was going out with a guy he would take her out 3 or 4 times a week which also gave me these evenings to dress.

Looking back I was probably too engrossed in my dressing to notice the mistakes I was making when returning my mums clothes as at the time I thought I was putting them back where I had found them. Anyway this lead to my mum catching me what follows is the how.

My mum had gone out with her fella for a date night she was dolled up to the nines when he came and picked her up apparently they were going to the theatre. My mum was wearing a purple dress with lace overlay that I had not seen before and when I saw her in it I knew I wanted to try it on!!

The next morning I finished my paper round and went home and as usual mum had left for work. I was so desperate to try that dress on. I went to mum's room and bingo it was hanging on a coat hanger on the outside of her wardrobe. I then went to my room and stripped off putting on my own bra and panty girdle in black that I had purchased from a shop with my paper round money telling the lady in the shop it was a present for my mum!! Then a pair of black tights that I had bought as my mum still wore tan! Grabbed my shoe box hiding place with my rudimentary make up in and went back to my mum's room.

On returning to my mum's room I took the dress off the hanger and saw it had a back zip so put it on the bed and went to get some cotton to attach to the zip so I could zip it up and down. Back to mum's room and sat at her dresser and applied some make up. Then I slipped into the black strappy heels she had worn with the dress, I had probably worn these heels more than her!! I was just about to put the dress on when I noticed that on her dresser she had some purple nail varnish I couldn't help myself and painted my nails. After they dried I put on the dress and zipped it up with the cotton. Next I did my hair with some hairspray and back combing it into a fem style. I was then ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and yes I thought I was looking good.
I then went downstairs to make a coffee and have a cigarette.

Coffee made and sitting at the table with cigarette in hand admiring myself I didn't hear the kitchen door open until I looked up and saw my mum standing there. I was frozen to the spot and after what seemed ages my mum spoke and said "well I had actually come home to pick that dress up as I borrowed it from Shirley but I see my Nancy boy son has taken a shine to it"!! All I could do was apologize saying I was sorry and that when I saw her in last night I wanted to try it on. This however didn't wash with her as she said "what with my make up and as well?". 

Again I was apologizing she told me to go upstairs and take it off. I got up and walked past her to do as I was told. I had just got to the bottom of the stairs when my mum said stop so I just stood there. She them cane out and stood opposite me looked me up and down and said those are not my tights are they as they are black. I replied sheepishly "no mum". She then asked whose they were and I said mine. She then laughed and said I know you have been dressing ages and wanted you just to admit it. Why do you think I cane home I knew you would be dressed up and I left that dress out as bait.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry she then said "I still need the dress but we will talk about this later when I get home". We both went upstairs and into her room she then told me to turn around and when she saw the cotton on the zip she asked what that was for I explained that I did that so I could zip and unzip the dress.
My mum then said "really OK" she unzipped the dress and I took it off. She them commented on my underwear and said "well at least you have your own now and not ruining my knickers with stains".
I was so embarrassed standing there in front of my mum in a bra panty girdle and tights with her heels on.
She told me to wait there and she went to her wardrobe and to my surprise pulled out a red tulip hem dress and told me that she knew I had worm this one before so I could wear it. The only thing being that she would zip me up in it so I would have to wear it until she got home.

Once in the dress she said I should maybe repaint my nails red to match the dress and we would talk about it when she got home.

I Haven't Worn Those Panties in Years!

I had one instance of being caught, though I should probably use caught loosely. It was more of a feeling than any actual revelation on the discoverer's part. In high school I would sometimes secretly wear silk panties under my jeans - a pair borrowed from the bottom of my mom's underwear drawer. One day after school I forgot to put them back in time before everyone else arrived home, so I ended up wearing them to sleep and stashing them between the bed and wall the next morning before I left for school.

Later that day I came home to find my mom had gotten off early.
In my room I found a neatly-made bed.
On my bed I found a neatly-spread out pair of panties.

I told her they must have fallen between my bed and the wall, as I sometimes would bring the laundry into my room to fold. She didn't buy it, but eventually dropped the entire ordeal when Dad took my side and made light of the situation. Her argument was that she had not worn that particular pair in years, so she knew my story was bogus. I'm guessing that having to face the alternative, whatever that might have been in her mind at the time, was something she didn't really want to have to face.

(which was entirely fine by me...  )

Mom Washing his Panties

Years ago, when I was living at home, my parents took a vacation for 2 weeks. In this time, I would go get my stash of panties & bring them home to wear & wash. One day before my parents were slated to arrive, I washed all the panties. I counted them before I threw them into the wash. When I was gathering em all up to go back to the stash away from home, there was 1 pair missing. I counted them again & again, but there was 1 missing pair. I searched everywhere but they were nowhere to be found. So I just figured that they were lost forever. Well my parents come home & my stash was safely away. My mom did all the wash in the house. So she did the wash as soon as they came home because they had all those unwashed clothes from their vacation. Some of my clothes were in the wash too from the past few days. When I went to grab my pile of clothes after they were washed, dried & ironed ( my mom would neatly fold them in 1 pile) I was SHOCKED to find the missing pair of panties right on top of my pile of clothes. There were neatly folded too. 

I panicked somewhat. But I decided to test my mom, just to see if this was a mistake or on purpose. You see, I have no sisters & had no gf at that time. So I wore the panties & threw them into the wash. I figured if they came back into my underwear drawer, then my mom was Ok with it. Well they came back, so I wore them every week. They always came back. They were the nylon type & there was little mistaking them for men's undies. SO I figured that my mom must have figured it out & just not said anything to save me the embarrassment.

Don't Let Your Father Catch You!

I have had a love affair for and with women's panties for sixty plus years (yes the time is correct, some of us "old guys" go way back) along with full slips and eventually bras. Well, my mother had wonderful panties, silk or satin and when nylon came on the public market, that too. I was about ten when I had the bright idea to wear a lovely pair of sanitary panties that had a lovely latex liner and excited the hell out of me, along with a beautiful taffeta full slip (a bit long for me still) and prance around her bedroom in front of her dressing table mirrors. I was in heaven until the door opened and in came my mom. I thought for sure I was on my way to jail or the priest or worst of all my father. 

Surprise, surprise - she told me to take them off and then showed me where there were other undies I could use any time I wanted, but make damn sure my father never caught me of there would hell to pay. What a wonderful relationship she and I enjoyed for the next nine years until I entered military service. As I grew bigger and way taller, she would buy me new satin or nylon panties and matching bras and slips and eventually half slips. You can't go back, but my memories are wonderful and now all these years later I maintain my own extensive lingerie wardrobe. 

Throwing The Tightie Whities Away

When I was like 7-8 I ran out of Boys Tightie Whities... it was no wash day and I told my Mom and she gave me 2 pair of her Sears Nylon panties (Black and Maroon) and said wear these. I cried they were Girls Undies, and she said then wear nothing, I slide on the Maroon pair and they felt wonderful and loved them. I got caught throwing away my boys underwear and hiding them so that I could wear those panties. She said well I can see you like wearing my panties (I was semi erect) so maybe you should wear them all the time now. We went to K-Mart the next day and she got me 6 pair of nylon panties in various colors and I wore them constantly.... I was hooked.

Panties for the Bed Wetter

I had developed a bedwetting problem. Wet beds and wet sheets were a real bummer. My father insisted I was just too damn lazy to get out of the bed to go to the bathroom. Lots of tears, spankings and wet pajamas. My mother eventually bought me several pairs of 'stay dry' incontinent pants that I was to wear under my pajamas. 

My father had remodeled our basement and turned it into a bedroom. I was down there by myself, had a tv and radio and my school desk where I did my homework. I had progressed to buying my own panties by this time.---this was before Walmart and Kmart. Went to Kresge's or Woolworths to get them.

One night I was in bed in a just a pair of panties. My mother came downstairs to kiss me goodnight. My pajamas were lying on my desk, along with some laundry she had told me to put away earlier in the day. She told me to get out of bed and put away the laundry like she had told me to do. I told her no, could I do it in the morning, I was tired. Mother insisted I do as she told me to do. Then she saw my pajamas and wanted to know why I didn't have them on, and did I have on my 'protection' (That was our code word for the incontinent pants and diapers I wore to bed....we would NEVER call them by their real names, only by protection.)

Mother than told me to get out of bed right now. I refused. She reached down to pull my covers off of me and I blurted out, "Mom, I'm naked!" She went over to my desk and picked up my pajama bottoms, gave them to me and told me put them on and put away the laundry. I put the bottoms on over my panties while still under the covers and got out of bed and started to put away my laundry. She then insisted I wear protection to bed and I was always to wear protection and pajamas to bed. Nice people didn't sleep without pajamas.

She then swatted my butt. She must have been able to tell I had something on under my pajamas because she pulled out the waistband and asked me what I was wearing. I started crying. I told her it wasn't fair, I hated wearing protection, I hated having to wear big white briefs (JC Penny double seats, she bought them for me) that looked like diapers, I hated wearing diapers to bed and I liked how these underpants felt. I told her I had bought them thinking they were boy's bikini underpants.

She hugged me and said she understood how I felt. But until I outgrew the bedwetting it was so much easier on her to have me wear protection. It was too much trouble to have to laundry everyday--we didn't have a dryer- and to wipe my face and put on my protection and go to bed. And she stood there. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I was too embarrassed to pull off my pajama pants and have my mother see me in panties. I had only occasionally put on my protection in front of her, never in front of my father.

Finally I said the heck with it, sat on the bed and took of my pajama bottoms. I then walked over to my desk in my panties and turned my back, took off the panties and pulled on my protection. This was very exciting to me and I didn't know why. I started to get back into bed and my mother asked if I was forgetting something. I started to put on the pajama bottoms. No, my mother said, finish putting away the laundry. I put away the laundry in my chest of drawers just wearing my protection. I was so embarrassed and excited at the same time and didn't know why. When I was done, my mother came over and kissed me and said, 'don't forget your pajamas." and went out the door and turned out the light.

Oh man, I knew I was in trouble. Not only was I a bedwetter, but my Mom had found out I wear panties. And she was probably going to tell my dad. I worried about that until I fell asleep. I think I cried myself to sleep that night. I wished I had on panties instead of protection.

The next day when I got home from school, I was in my basement room lying on my bed watching TV. My mom came downstairs with a bag from Sears. She sat on my bed and said she loved me and was so proud of me for being a nice young man. She told me she was sorry that I struggled so much. She knew I was a good kid. Things will get better she said. Then, as she leaned over and hugged me, she said, "I understand boys need their privacy," and handed me the bag. "These are for you", she said.

Somehow I knew I had the upper hand. I just laid there and didn't return her hug or take the bag. She got up, left the bag on my bed, said supper will be ready when your father gets home and went upstairs. At the top of the stairs, she turned and said to me, "I am not going to mention this to your father."

After a while, I looked in the bag. There was a package of panties from Sear's. Three pair, blue, yellow and white.

Girl For Halloween

When I was in high school I would come home and dress in my Mom's clothes several days a week. She came home early and walked right in on me. With a deer in the headlights look I said "Oh I was looking for a Halloween costume" To my surprise she was like "Oh what fun, let me help you" So after dinner, she and I spent several hours trying on all sorts of old dresses and suits. Come Halloween a few weeks later I was embarrassed and also secretly delighted to show up at the youth group costume party. So getting caught actually worked in my favor.

Get Your Own Nightgown

When I was in my early teens (13 or 14 ) I was caught by my mom sleeping in one of her old discarded night gowns. We had just moved and she was sorting the things she was going to toss out. My parents went out to eat or something, I stayed home to look through what she was throwing away.  I found the night gown and took it to my room. That night I decided to sleep in it.  I over slept the next morning so my mom came to wake me up.  All she said was "Thats mine if you want to sleep in something like this get your own."  And that was it never heard another word about it. I felt embarrassed but god did it feel so good sleeping in it.

Getting Caught, As Written by a Mom!

So I came home today and found something well... odd. Sitting in the living room was my son, watching tv like he normally would. The only difference was what he was wearing. He had on a black form-fittingish dress, my patent high heels i wear to formal events, a pair of my nude-colored pantyhose, and makeup. He has long hair for a boy, and he had made a side braid out of it.

Right away, he began crying when I saw him. I sat down and told him that its ok if he wants to be a girl, or if he wants to dress like one. I assured him I will still love him no matter what.

About an hour later he came downstairs and told me how he was not transgender but just liked the way the clothes felt. He said he liked the feeling of wearing them and being girly. He said he doesn't know why but its just an urge he has, and he enjoys it.

My son also showed me that he secretly had a stash of clothing. In his room was a bag from Dillard's full of a small wardrobe of girl's clothes. He had girl's underwear, dresses, skirts, leggings, tops, and more! Apparently he asked his gf to buy a lot of it for him, and would give her the money so she could pick it up.

Since then, we have made leaps and bounds in relation to his dressing. I brought him out to the mall, and we got him a decent collection of girls clothes. I also talked to him about sexuality and gender, and got him to open up a little.

Ever since we bought him the wardrobe, i don't think he's worn a single piece of "boys" clothes. besides school and sports, he is almost always in a dress, skirt, leggings, etc... I feel like for some reason he has a different personality when dressed as a girl. he is a little more spunky and well girly.

He also came out to a small group of friends. He came out to his dance team. He has danced with the team for 12 years, and its been the same 6 people on the team the entire time. He is the only guy on the team. When he told them, they were all like "it was kind of obvious". I am going to go out on a limb, and guess that the fact that he let them dress him up and do his makeup for fun sometimes might of been a giveaway. '

Anyway, he is also happier then ever now. He loves being able to express himself and be who he is!

    Wow those were quite the doozies weren't they?! As I come across more true getting caught stories I'll be sure to save them that way I can make another post like this. So stay tuned, eventually more thrilling true life getting caught to come!
