Wednesday, June 28, 2023

First Time Doing Makeup

 Hello There,

    Finally doing makeup yourself is a transformative experience. It separates you from so many who simply wear women's clothes, and don't take that extra step to transform themselves into one. It's almost a right of passage, from guy in girls clothes to girl in a guy's body. Doing your own makeup can be an extremely intimidating undertaking; which is why it is understandable that so many never take the extra step to learn makeup. That's how I was for years, I simply enjoyed wearing woman's clothes, and never tried my hand at any makeup beyond lipstick. When I started posting pictures of myself online, I was really disheartened by the lack of engagement my posts were getting. I was interested in talking about crossdressing with other feminine men but no one was really taking me seriously. This made me super frustrated, and was exactly the push I needed to try makeup myself!

    When deciding what makeup to buy I watched several videos on YouTube about basic makeup for crossdressers. After my research I made my list and ordered some items online and bought some in stores. Since I was getting all dolled up I also decided to also order my first wig. There was such a massive selection online I felt almost as overwhelmed as when choosing my makeup. I decided to go with something simple, not too expensive, and that was close to my actual hair color. The exact wig I bought is pictured to the right, it worked and looked ok for a little while. Honestly though I found myself not loving how the bangs were cut so I have since moved on to a new wig. Once I had wig and makeup in hand I was ready for my great undertaking!

    After watching plenty of tutorials online I knew what I was supposed to be doing but I can't help but admit it felt weird and wrong the whole time I was doing it. Some of the steps were definitely a struggle, and looking back on my pictures I cringe at how I look. Even though now I look back on the photos with disgust, I'll never forget my shock when I saw myself for the first time. After I slipped on my wig and saw the completed look I felt a feeling I had never felt before: "I am a girl". It was a truly magical moment, what a massive difference a wig and makeup made.  The time and effort was worth it. To celebrate the momentous occasion I also bought something I had dreamed about my entire life, my very own princess dress. So there I was looking at myself in the mirror with a wig, wearing full makeup and wearing Belle's princess dress, my gender euphoria was exploding out of my body. I'm so glad I took photos to capture the moment, so I can see my joy (and also cringe at my makeup lol).

    Needless to say after the success of my first makeup session I found myself practicing makeup every week after that for a little while. This makeup session also kick started me ordering all kinds of new clothes to take pictures in, now that I could actually look like a girl. I'm so glad I took the leap to finally try makeup because I honestly don't believe I'd be here on this blog otherwise, trying makeup really changed my life! 
