Wednesday, June 28, 2023

First Time Doing Makeup

 Hello There,

    Finally doing makeup yourself is a transformative experience. It separates you from so many who simply wear women's clothes, and don't take that extra step to transform themselves into one. It's almost a right of passage, from guy in girls clothes to girl in a guy's body. Doing your own makeup can be an extremely intimidating undertaking; which is why it is understandable that so many never take the extra step to learn makeup. That's how I was for years, I simply enjoyed wearing woman's clothes, and never tried my hand at any makeup beyond lipstick. When I started posting pictures of myself online, I was really disheartened by the lack of engagement my posts were getting. I was interested in talking about crossdressing with other feminine men but no one was really taking me seriously. This made me super frustrated, and was exactly the push I needed to try makeup myself!

    When deciding what makeup to buy I watched several videos on YouTube about basic makeup for crossdressers. After my research I made my list and ordered some items online and bought some in stores. Since I was getting all dolled up I also decided to also order my first wig. There was such a massive selection online I felt almost as overwhelmed as when choosing my makeup. I decided to go with something simple, not too expensive, and that was close to my actual hair color. The exact wig I bought is pictured to the right, it worked and looked ok for a little while. Honestly though I found myself not loving how the bangs were cut so I have since moved on to a new wig. Once I had wig and makeup in hand I was ready for my great undertaking!

    After watching plenty of tutorials online I knew what I was supposed to be doing but I can't help but admit it felt weird and wrong the whole time I was doing it. Some of the steps were definitely a struggle, and looking back on my pictures I cringe at how I look. Even though now I look back on the photos with disgust, I'll never forget my shock when I saw myself for the first time. After I slipped on my wig and saw the completed look I felt a feeling I had never felt before: "I am a girl". It was a truly magical moment, what a massive difference a wig and makeup made.  The time and effort was worth it. To celebrate the momentous occasion I also bought something I had dreamed about my entire life, my very own princess dress. So there I was looking at myself in the mirror with a wig, wearing full makeup and wearing Belle's princess dress, my gender euphoria was exploding out of my body. I'm so glad I took photos to capture the moment, so I can see my joy (and also cringe at my makeup lol).

    Needless to say after the success of my first makeup session I found myself practicing makeup every week after that for a little while. This makeup session also kick started me ordering all kinds of new clothes to take pictures in, now that I could actually look like a girl. I'm so glad I took the leap to finally try makeup because I honestly don't believe I'd be here on this blog otherwise, trying makeup really changed my life! 


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Why Genderfluid?

 Hello There,

    Today I wanted to talk about my long journey to understanding that I am genderfluid. I'm hoping this post helps anyone out there who is struggling with figuring out their gender identity. This certainly wasn't a conclusion that came to me overnight; it took years of struggling with my gender identity to finally understand what I was. 

    When I was a kid I was sometimes interested in playing with dolls or playing dress-up as a princess. But because of my assigned gender I never felt it was acceptable for me to do so, despite my strong desire. Flash forward to when I was a little older and I started trying on my Mom's clothes, I started googling what it meant for a boy to wear girls clothes and discovered the crossdressing community online. So at this point I started identifying myself as a crossdresser, a man who enjoys wearing women's clothes. But it always felt like more than that, yes I enjoyed wearing women's clothes as a boy but I wanted more, I wanted to be a girl. So after some more research I discovered what it meant to be transgendered, having a gender identity different than my sex assigned at birth. Now I started identifying myself as a transgender girl, and did so for years. But I started to notice a problem, despite the fact that I was identifying myself as a trans girl, I really didn't have any interest in fully transitioning into a woman. I wasn't interested in not transitioning out of the fear of doing so, I just really wasn't interested in living 100% of my life as a woman. A lot of times I enjoy being a guy and feeling masculine, I didn't want to loose that, but I also often wanted to feel cute and feminine.

    I found myself at a weird crossroads, I'm more than just a crossdresser and I'm not transgender, so what am I? For the past couple years I've lived in this weird limbo of not really being able to identify myself. Well I very quickly had to figure out my gender identity last year when I was going to come out to my new roommate. She was bisexual and chill with the LGBTQ+ scene, so I knew that I'd be able to freely express myself around her when I lived with her. But if I'm going to come out I need to be able to call myself something. So I started thinking really hard about myself; "Sometimes I feel like a guy, sometimes I feel like a girl, and it flows back and forth between genders. My gender identity flows, like a fluid, gender-fluid, I think I've heard of that let me look it up. There we go that's what I am, genderfluid!" I'd finally found my answer after so many years of not understanding myself. It made me so much more comfortable with myself at long last knowing and understanding who I was as a person. For those of you out there who haven't totally figured out your gender identity, I highly recommend you do some research and really think about who you are and what you want. Once you finally understand yourself, you'll feel so much more comfortable in your own skin!


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Crossdressing in the Swinging 60s

 Hello There,

    Something I have always enjoyed and been fascinated by are Vintage photos and stories of crossdressers and transgender women. You know how much I love vintage and retro styles so to see gender non-conformists actually enjoying these styles during the time they were popular is always fun. It's also super interesting to me see how men's enjoyment of women's clothing and their desire to feel feminine transcends time, and there has always been transgender and gender fluid people living amongst us. The decade we're focusing on in todays post is the swinging sixties!

    I'm starting with the sixties because of the cultural revolution that happened at the time, which brought about a lot of fun societal change including some men becoming more accepting of their true feminine selves. Speaking of men becoming their feminine selves, what better way to start my 60s spotlight off than with some pictures of actual 1960s crossdressers and drag artists! 

    Now that you've seen some examples of crossdressers from the 60s, I've got three different examples of crossdressing men sharing their true life feminine stories! I've chosen these stories because of how they transcend time and can feel relatable even now. These are actually going to be words taken directly from crossdressers from the 60s who published their stories and advice and in various print publications. I haven't edited the content of any of them accept for length, and these are the exact words published in the 1960s.


    I'll first start with Janelle, a young crossdresser who repeatedly wrote to magazines to share her stories. These were taken from magazines published in 1962 and 1963, this first publication details her life story:

I am known as "Janelle," or simply "Jan" by my friends. I am 25 years old and to the best of my recollectable knowledge, have been impersonating women since I was about nine. Why, I don't know, but I have long ago stopped trying to find out why, so that I may be able to enjoy myself the more.. I can remember occasionally wearing an article of clothing belonging to my mother and deriving great enjoyment... 

When my parents were out, I would spend many happy hours in my bedroom wearing my mother's clothes. Even at this early age, I was practicing with makeup and walking in high heels. By the time I was seventeen, I was quite adept at this and I could fashion myself into an attractive and convincing girl. 

I had left school by now and my job was providing me with a regular weekly income. I decided to use some of this money to outfit myself with a complete female wardrobe to my size, which I could use at my leisure. Nobody knew of this and I preferred to keep my activities a secret, at least for the time being.

Soon after I turned nineteen, I moved from my home to a flat in the Bohemian section of the city, known as Kings Cross. Here my life really began. I had not been there long when I met, purely by accident, two men who apparently had the same ideas as myself. We became quite friendly and made it a practice to visit each other frequently. We spent many enjoyable times together, dressed as girls.

During my stay at Kings Cross, I met many girls, most of whom were very unimpressed when they discovered my secret passion. However, one of them, a very attractive and sexy girl by the name of Denise, did not seem to mind at all. In fact, it came about that she would help me by buying clothes for me and she quite often came to my flat while I was a "girl" and was very enjoyable company, treating me as she would any of her female friends. She excited me, this girl, as no other girl ever had and I became very fond of her. She seemed to return the feeling and eventually we fell in love. 

I had now acquired a job as a country representative for a major oil company and when my transfer to the country was eminent, I asked Denise to marry me, which she, to my great surprise, agreed to do. We have been married happily for two years now. This is something I had never dreamed would happen to me, but I was just lucky enough to find a girl who was not worried by my unusual desires. My wardrobe is now larger than ever and although we live most of the time as man and wife there are many occasions when we both relax in the privacy of our home as sisters. So that is my story. Just for the record, I am 5' 9" tall in stocking feet (exactly 6' 0" with high heels) and my figure is 38" 26" 37". My greatest loves are high heeled shoes and lacey nylon undies.

    Sounds like Janelle had quite the happy ending! Getting to live with someone who is both accepting and supportive of your feminine lifestyle is an absolute dream! It's also so interesting to me to hear how Janelle started dressing when she was a child in her mom's clothes like so many of us did, including myself. I chose Janelle specifically because of how much her and her story reminded me of myself, and my goals for my life.

    This next letter from Janelle discusses the problems associated with men buying women's clothes for themselves. Sixty years later this is a problem so many men and boys still struggle with, it is still awkward to buy women's clothes. Well in 1963 these were Janelle's tips on how to obtain your own women's clothing:

For several years now, I have been accustomed to wearing dresses and nylons and other items not originally intended for men. I have always been attracted to the idea of a male being artistic enough and handsome in order to impersonate a girl convincingly. Although I am not a professional at this sort of thing, I have picked up some very useful information which you might pass on for the benefit of other femme mimics who read your wonderful books, with certain problems they may have and would want to solve.

One problem facing many males who would like to try to imitate a female is where to get clothes. For obvious reasons, very few men are whiling to walk up to a counter in the feminine department of a store and commit themselves to buying the frilly confections on display. Although it seems harmless enough for a man to purchase a lace gown or some assorted lingerie, still it is embarrassing to have saleswomen smile or make insinuating remarks. My solution to this is to order feminine attire by mail.

There are many mail-order houses which send out fashion catalogues regularly and have no objections to sending dresses and such to customers who give only their last names and their initials. In fact, these companies will just as readily mail women's fashions to men also. Anyone can send to Sears Roebuck or to Spiegel's of Chicago for a catalog and if you order at least twice from it, they will put you on their mailing list for the next issue.

    Catalogs, amazon before amazon existed. It's funny that most people nowadays who try to keep their feminine purchases secret order through amazon, and sixty years ago people were doing the exact same thing with catalogues. The struggle of gender non-conformists and the solutions to hiding our identity really do transcend time. Since Janelle mentioned Spiegel's of Chicago I thought I'd show some examples of the types of women's clothing that were featured in one of the Spiegel's catalogues in the 1960s:

    If the age listed in her letters is correct that would make Janelle 86 years old this year if she is still alive, which of course I certainly hope she is! I see so much of myself in her, from her story of how she started dressing to her written advice on how to obtain women's clothing. Hopefully in 60 years someone will look back as fondly about me as their inspiration!

Tony Winters

    For our next 1960s adventure, I have a makeup tutorial done by female-impersonator Tony Winters. Make-up tutorials are all the rage nowadays on social media cites like Tik Tok, YouTube, and Instagram, but even back in the 60s there was demand for them. What I found fascinating about this tutorial was that the process of makeup application done by Ms. Winters is almost the exact same way I put on my makeup! While fashion trends have certainly changed over the decades, makeup seems to have stayed more or less the same!

"In a Quandary"

    My final story from the 60s is a fun question written into Advice Column "Dear Abby" in 1968. The anonymous writer who simply named themselves "In A Quandary" asked about his obsession wearing, enjoying and underdressing women's undergarments:

DEAR ABBY: My problem may sound silly to you, but it is very serious to me. For some years now, although I am a male, single, and not considered effeminate, I have been wearing nylon panties under my outer male attire. I like to sleep in baby doll pajamas and have a nice supply of ladies' lingerie, negligees, panties, hosiery, bras - the works, which I wear when I am alone. There is nothing "wrong" with me, but I like the feeling of these things next to me. My problem is keeping a good supply of these items. No matter how carefully I launder them, they do not last forever, and I must keep shopping for them. Such articles are sold only in the ladies' departments, and they all have women salespeople. When I ask for pink panties (pink is my favorite color) in size 8 (I am rather hefty) I say they are for my "wife" but then my face gets as pink as the panties. · I have tried mail-order houses, but they are unsatisfactory as I like to see the merchandise before buying it. I don't care to divulge my secret to anyone, so I must do my own shopping, so I would appreciate any solutions you have to offer, as I do not like the embarrassment. 

    Seeing as there wasn't really a single answerable question that was asked Abby had a very blunt answer for "In A Quandary":

Since you have already thought of all the alternatives and have rejected them, I can only infer that you aren't really seeking a solution to your problem-you just like to talk about it.

Pretty harsh answer from Abby if you ask me! I probably would have said something nice like: since this is clearly a part of your life you like to discuss, have you sought out others with common interests or written to magazines that specialize in men who wear women's clothing? See easy enough without hurting the man's feelings. Well to my friend "In A Quandary" I also enjoy wearing nylon panties, baby doll pajamas, ladies' lingerie, negligees, panties, hosiery, and bras! You are absolutely right in saying there is nothing "wrong" with you. Since we share a love for all of the things listed I thought I'd feature some more vintage pics of lingerie catalogues from the 1960s!

Finally in dedication to "In A Quandary" I threw on my most vintage inspired lingerie, because like I said I too "like the feeling of these things next to me"! (Just ignore my bad sun burns please LOL)

    Hope you enjoyed that blast from the past! The 1960s were a fun decade for many reasons, but I really enjoyed learning all about the different transgender, genderfluid, and crossdressing individuals from the decade. I also hope you found the three examples I chose to be insightful or interesting. I'm definitely planning on coming back for the next few decades, I'll just need a little while to do some research, and compile images. But anyway get ready for the sensational 70s coming soon!
