Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Where've I been?

 Hello There,

A brief update addressing where I've been for any of my readers. The content involving me on this blog has greatly decreased and that's for a variety of factors. I've been busy with school, work, my girlfriend, friends and family, I've gained weight, grew a beard, and have been in a bit of a rut in life. 

But don't worry, Carly is still here. I'm working on getting my weight back under control, that way I can fit back into all my pretty things. I'm also trying to keep up with this blog, so that I get my feminine fix every now and then.

I'm not sure when, but Carly will return! Kisses until then friends!


Friday, December 20, 2024

Crossdressing in the Naughty 90s

Hello There, 

    I'm back again with another decade of vintage stories and photos of crossdresser, transgender, and gender fluid women, this time from the 1990s!  I'll be formatting this post similarly to my posts from other decades with three fun stories from our feminine past. The 90s were a bit of a transitional period for the world, and unfortunately saw some truly awful fashion trends. That being said crossdressers often have decent taste so hopefully they steered clear of a lot of those strange 90s fashion trends. As a child of the 90s myself this decade holds a special place in my heart, and I'm looking forward to exploring the decade!

    Of course I have to start off my 90s spotlight with some pictures of actual 1990s crossdressers and drag artists! It's interesting to see how the fashion and hair styling has evolved from the 80s.  

    Now that you've seen some examples of crossdressers from the 90s, like last time I've got three different examples of crossdressing in the 1990s! I've chosen these stories because of how they transcend time and can feel relatable even now. These are actually going to be images and words taken directly from crossdressers from the 90s who published their stories and advice and in various print publications. I haven't edited the content of any of them accept for length, and these are the exact words and pictures published in the 1990s.

Gina Allen

    Like our other decade blog posts I figured I'll start with a classic story of a young CD starting their journey into femdom. Today we have Gina Allen who published her story in 1995. It involves forced feminization from her Mother, and running into an ex-girlfriend while dressed so it's quite the doozey!

My mother used to dress me when I was young, and I think it was because I had long, curly hair, lightly below the shoulder, with bangs in front. It seemed like everywhere we went people thought I was a girl. The first time I ever dressed myself was at age seven. I remember one day trying to put G.l. Joe's big body into a petite Barbie dress and my mom saw me doing it. She asked, "How would you feel if I dressed you like that?" Next thing I knew I was decked out in a pink dress, pink ribbons, ruffled socks and lipstick. I tried to stop her but couldn't. 

Next thing I knew, she was calling for my two brothers and sister to come into the room. They laughed and teased me. I can remember crying myself almost sick. She left me dressed all day long and after awhile my brothers and sister quite laughing and teasing me, and we played as if nothing happened. That evening when I heard Dad driving up to the house I really got scared and hid behind the couch. I can remember to this day exactly what Mom said —"Rich, Jerry has something to show you." Dad called my name and I wouldn't answer. Finally Mom pulled back the couch and there I was. To this day I don't understand why my dad didn't do or say anything. He looked at me crying and said nothing. 

So, since Mom liked me like that, and my brothers and sister didn't tease me anymore—and Dad said nothing, I started doing it on my own. My mom first tried to deny that this happened, but I had a talk with my older brother and he told me the same story, almost word for word. I was alone quite often because I was the one who always got blamed for everything and was banished to my room. I kept couple of dresses I liked under my bed and always played in them when ever I could.

As a teenager I used to like playing in Mom's lace nighties and pantyhose, and walking around in her high heels. These were trying years because I wanted more than ever to be a cheerleader. I could do all the cheers as good, or better, than most of the girls, just from watching and then practicing at home. But I also liked to play baseball and basketball, so I did that instead, and watched the girls from the bench. As I got older I slowly began to put it out of my mine. I mean, I about it 'd go for three or four months without thinking —then, boom! I'd wake up and the urge would hit me hard.

 I dated my wife for five years before we got married, hoping she would take my mind off dressing. And, be cause she worked nights and I worked days, the urge just got stronger and stronger. We were married eight and a half years before I got up the nerve to tell her. 

I always joked about it with her and one day she was picking out an outfit. She was holding up two dress suits. I said she should wear the green one because even I would look good in that. She said, "I bet you would." She chose the other suit and as she was leaving I told her I would show her. She laughed and said okay. Well, when she came home there I was, all dolled up. She smiled, walked by me and looked again. Then she went into the bedroom and came back with her comb, brush and makeup. I asked what she thought and she said I looked okay but I'd better have a seat. She worked over me for about a half hour and then said, "Now go to the mirror and look." I did and my mouth dropped. She had really made me look convincing then she told me some thing that almost crushed me. She said if I was going to continue to dress up I'd have to cut my hair. I really loved my long, curly hair because I felt it was more convincing to have my own hair as opposed to a wig. But she felt I was more recognizable with my own hair and with wigs could be whoever I wanted to be. I gave in because if I cut she was going to allow me to dress and would accept this part of me. I openly cried when I had my hair I loved cut, but I realized I loved my wife more. She gave me time to express, and be myself.

And, finally after all these years, I got to meet others like me, who could relate to what I was going through. After meeting those girls I realized I was not alone in my feelings. Now I have somehow come to realize that I am someone special, who feels comfortable going out a Gina as well as going out as Jerry. I usually get out about once a week, or more. 

That reminds me of the first experience I had running into some one I I know while I was dressed. It was the first girlfriend had in high school. I passed her on the street and said, "Hi Vanessa." She looked at me and said, "Do I know you?" That's when I realized that I was dressed and said to myself, "Oh my god, what have I done?" I told her she knew who I was and she said she didn't. "I've never met you before in my life." I said, "Vanessa, it's me. Jerry." I She just froze for a few seconds —eyes bulged out and her mouth open. She said that until I told her she thought was a real girl. Now we occasionally meet for lunch and she just loves Gina!

    Another great success story! Seems indifference from the family at an early age about Gina's dressing seems to have set her up for quite a life of dressing! Also what a mistake to forget that Gina was dressed and to say hello to his ex-girlfriend. Thankfully it all worked out in the end!

Gender Identity Quiz

    All the rage in lifestyle magazines were quizzes which revealed some hidden truth about you. In this instance from Lady Like Magazine we a have a quiz which revealed your gender identity. They said the following about the quiz:

We all love to take those self-administered pop quizzes we find in women's magazines. By answering just a few simple questions, we can find out all sorts of interesting things about ourselves through the miracle of multiple choice. Take this short test to find out where you line up along the transgendered spectrum.

    To score yourself as follows: Each ‘a’ is worth 5 points; each ‘b’ is worth 3 points; each ‘c’ is worth 1 point. Count up your total score and see below for your instant analysis.

 1 . My favorite women’s clothing is:

     a. Sequined evening gowns

     b. Racy lingerie ensembles

     c. Sensible shoes

 2. If you could appear on the cover of a magazine, it would be:

     a. Cosmopolitan

     b. Playboy

     c. The Ladies Home Journal

 3. Your favorite role model from television is:

     a. Geraldine Jones (The Flip Wilson Show)

     b. Laura Petrie (The DickVan Dyke Show)

     c. Miss Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies)

 4. Finish the sentence: "I get turned on when I..."

     a. Lip-synch in a gay bar

     b. Wear lingerie under my Army Reserve uniform

     c. "Pass" on my way to electrolysis

 5. My most indispensable feminine accessory is:

     a. Ultra-length false eyelashes

     b. Victoria's Secret lace-top nylon stockings

     c. Note from therapist to my employer explaining the ‘real life' test

6.  My ‘dream vacation' would be:

     a. A summer in Provincetown while starring in a drag revue

     b. Wearing a thong bikini during ‘spring break’ in Daytona

     c. Flying to Trinidad for ‘the operation'

 7. 1 can most easily identify with:

     a. La Liz in ‘Cleopatra’

     b. La Liz in ‘National Velvet’

     c. La Liz in ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’

 8. Which most accurately describes you?

     a. I’m Cher stuck in the body of a man

     b. I’m Sharon Stone stuck in the body of a man

     c. I’m Tula stuck in the body of a man

 9. If  you could be any female character on  Married... With Children it would be:

     a. Kelly Bundy

     b. Peg Bundy

     c. Marcy, the next door neighbor

 10. The theme song for my life story is:

     a. That's Entertainnnent!

     b. Lola

     c. I Am Woman

 11 . My secret fantasy is:

     a. Winning the Miss Gay USA Pageant

     b. "Passing" in the fitting room at Bloomingdales

     c. Not needing electrolysis any more

12. If you could describe yourself with one word it would be:

     a. Fabulous!

     b. Passable

     c. Transgendered

 13. The most important male figure in my life is more likely to be:

     a. The guy who bought me a drink after the drag show

     b. The police officer who pulled me over after the drag show

     c. My therapist

 14. Which popular phrase best fits you?

     a. "You look mah-velous!"

     b. "The best of both worlds”

     c. "The more things change, the more they remain the same”

 15. You are dressed in your best outfit and you hear a wolfwhistle. You would...

     a. Slow down a little and really wiggle it

     b. Walk faster and start to feel paranoid about being read

     c. Give the guy the finger and tell him he’s a pig

 16. An enjoyable way to spend a quiet evening at home is:

     a. Organizing your false eyelash collection

     b. Taking photos of yourself in lingerie

     c. Reading The Female Eunuch

 17. My most treasured video movie is:

     a. La Case Aux Folles

     b. She-Male Reformatory

     c. Second Serve: The Renee Richards Story

 18. My idea of a ‘hot’ night out is:

     a. Dinner and a drag show

     b. Attending a crossdressers’ support group

     c. Browsing in a feminist bookstore

 19. Your favorite talks show host is:

     a. Dame Edna Everage

     b. Phil Donahue

     c. Whoopi Goldberg

 20. With which of the following would you rather be stranded on a desert island:

     a. The Chippendale dancers and a supply of tanning lotion

     b. The Victoria’s Secret catalog models and a supply of lingerie

     c. The National Organization of Women and a supply of feminist literature

 If you scored:

 75 to 100 points — You are a flaming Drag Queen. Your closet is probably filled with sequined evening gowns and you can lip-synch to any Whitney Houston song at the drop of a false eyelash.

 40 to 75 points — You are a member of that much misunderstood species "The Male Heterosexual Crossdresser”. You enjoy doing the same things as any other American male. It’s just that you enjoy wearing women’s lingerie while you are doing them.

 20 to 40 points — You may be either genuine transsexual, or a crossdresser with an extremely low spark. You may wish to seek professional help in discovering the true you. If so, I recommend the Jerry Springer Show. Check your local listings. 

 Less than 20 points — Check your pulse, girlfriend. You maybe dead, because 20 is the minimum score possible on this test.

    Wasn't that fun! Most of the references are pretty dated, but with a little bit of research you can still take it. I scored in the 40-75 category, which according to the test makes me a Male Heterosexual Crossdresser, which funnily enough is pretty much exactly what I am LOL. So I'd say this quiz is pretty accurate!

The Internet & The Transgender Jungle 

    With the arrival of the 1990s also came the arrival of the internet. A way to connect the internet with the rest of the world! Isolated crossdressers now had access to learn and communicate with crossdressers all over the world! However there were many that were skeptical of how beneficial this interconnectivity was. The following is an opinion piece which offered a warning about the potential risks of posting about transgendered and crossdressing topics on the internet.

    A closeted crossdresser pours out his anguish about whether to tell his wife and children about his other self. An older gentle man interested in she-males cruises for pick-ups. Two pre-operative transsexuals trade information about hormones and doctors who do reassignment surgery. A teenage boy lives out his fantasies by presenting himself to others online as a beautiful young woman. Welcome to the world of Cyber-transgenderism.

    The Internet has become a standard part of many transgendered people's lives. In fact, this community was probably quicker to pick up on its value and uses before almost any one else. However, there's a darker side to the internet many don't consider. 

    There's a natural attraction to the net, to be sure. First of all, there's the privacy. You don't even have to leave your own room; you' re safe from the prying eyes of roommates, spouses, or children. It's anonymous; you can pour out your desires and questions (as well as venom) without the risk of face-to-face confrontation. You can present yourself as you want to be, with a femme name and description of your measurements and looks. And transgendered people hunger for information on how to develop their image, information available only from other transgendered people.

    However, this communication isn't always a wonderful thing. A macho aggressive side often comes out online, called "Flaming". Many people send cruel, hurtful messages because anonymity lets them get away with it. The macho impulses to see women ( or those presenting themselves as women) as objects to be used, abused and thrown away is given free rein. Aggression in cyberspace could lead to aggression in other space. More over, one could start to see people less as flesh-and-blood individuals and more as disembodied entities. A callous, hard disregard for others may result. Overuse of the net could become a substitute for real human contact. Many of us know how addic tive it is; you can easily spend an entire evening in front of a screen. 

    There's a vocal minority of transgenderists, transsexuals, and "out" crossdressers on the net. For every one person talking, a dozen or so are only observing. You may be getting only one point of view, and think it's the only one. The quiet, less assuming, and maybe more reasoned people aren't heard from. 

    When you have access to too much information but have no framework to put it in, you get "information overload". Just having the info doesn't necessarily make you wiser or tell you how to use it. That only comes from real-life experience. 

    I'm not saying that the Internet is somehow evil or that people shouldn't use it. It's here to stay. I'm only drawing attention to several negative aspects of it to give users a more balanced perspective. In many ways, computer use is like a drug. And drugs have side effects.

    A fairly interesting opinion piece! I'd say several of the warnings in that were mentioned are still true to this day. However it can't be overstated how important and beneficial the internet has been for the transgendered community. From providing, mental health resources, fashion advice, to even friendship, the internet has made many transgendered people feel so much better about themselves. Heck this whole blog wouldn't exist without the internet! 


    Well there it is, another decade done! The 90s were fun a fun decade to journey through! Two more decades to go until we're caught up with the present day! But till then I hope you enjoyed all of the examples of gender nonconformity from the 1990s. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

My Summer With Aunt Sarah Chapter 5

 After another night sleeping in feminine wear, Tyler expected to find yet another outfit laid out before his door by his aunt when he opened it. Tyler prepared to wear yet another of his aunts' dresses, but to his surprise there was no outfit, only a note. Confused Tyler picked up the note and read it.

Dear Tyler,

At this point I’m sure you’re sick of having me pick out outfits for you, (although you’ve been such a good sport about it)! Since at this point you know where everything is in my closet you can go ahead and choose an outfit for yourself! Feel free to try on anything you want, the world is your oyster. I’m excited to see what you pick when I get home!!

-Aunt Sarah


He was instantly a little overwhelmed with the prospect of having to choose a new outfit for himself. But he took a deep breath and accepted his feminine fate, and walked into his Aunt’s bedroom. After entering her closet he began rifling through the racks of dresses, and as he did so he was hit with a nagging thought: they would probably look better with a bra. He also knew that wearing one would make Sarah happy. So he slunk back to her dresser and opened the bra drawer. There were dozens neatly folded and color coordinated. He started rifling through them to find a push-up bra, to create some curvature on his chest. He ended up finding one he felt was fine, a maroon push up from Victoria’s Secret to match his red panties. He slipped his nightgown off and put on his newly found bra. 

But before heading back to the closet to choose a dress, he found his gaze returning to the dresser, he could always try some of those pantyhose too he thought. So he opened the drawer he had seen Sarah open and found himself a pair of pantyhose he thought might be ok. He then went to sit on her bed and took the time to properly put them on. They felt as good as he remembered, still smooth. He ran his hands over them for a few minutes and then headed to the closet.

There were rows upon rows of dresses of every kind, color and material. He felt a little overwhelmed. As he kept moving to her closet he eventually came across the section which had all of Sarah’s business wear. There were satin blouses and blazers, pencil skirts, and business dresses. Sarah had never offered to let Tyler try any of these on before. Since she did always look so good wearing them, Tyler’s curiosity was piqued, maybe he’d look good in them too. He picked out a combo similar to what he’d seen Sarah wear before, a blue satin blouse, black blazer and black pencil skirt. The satin blouse felt amazing on his skin as he put it on. When he had the rest of the outfit on he walked to the mirror. Damn! He thought his body looked pretty good in that outfit! The pencil skirt really showed off his hips and booty!

Since he obviously couldn’t wear that outfit all day he walked back to the closet, and began disassembling his business outfit. He then returned everything he had worn to their spot in the closet and walked back towards the dresses. Tyler found a couple potential dresses, and finally picked one to wear. It was a sleeveless wine red dress. But when he tried it on he found that you could see the edges of his bra by the sleeve openings. Tyler was annoyed at this, he thought you really shouldn’t be able to see his bra underneath his clothes. So he stripped and went back to the closet. After putting the dress back he grabbed two more, just in case he didn’t like one of them again. He ended up trying both on to decide which he liked better. He looked fine in both, and in both you could not see the bra, so he wasn't sure which to choose. He figured he was already wearing one, so that one would be good enough. 

When he went to return his other trial dress, a few more dresses caught his eye. “What was the harm in trying a few more” he thought. He brought three more dresses out to try on. He tried on dress after dress, and found himself enjoying this little fashion show he was having. How would they look on him, how would they feel to wear? He didn’t know why but he had the urge to keep going, dress after dress he tried on. Finally he must’ve tried on half of Sarah’s closet. Tyler didn’t know what had come over him.

While he was having his mini fashion show he, found his way over to Sarah’s dresser, and begun exploring the drawers he had never opened. Curiosity drove him to try each drawer. He found himself trying on slips, and bloomers, camisoles and swimsuits. When he arrived at the bottom drawer he found lingerie. His hands trembled slightly as he reached out towards the drawer full of lacy and silky goodness, and then proceeded to close the drawer. Another time perhaps.

Finally he’d gotten tired of the constant taking clothes off and on again. He finally settled on a long black maxi dress, with black and white zig zags on the skirt, and the underwear he’d chosen at the beginning. To his surprise it had been hours since he first entered Sarah’s room. He’d been so invested in his feminine fashion show that he didn’t realize how much time had slipped by. He had to admit to himself that he had been having fun, even if it was extremely abnormal fun. 

After the extraordinary events earlier in the day, Tyler kept the rest of his day normal, and eagerly awaited Sarah’s return. When she finally did, at her first sight of him she clapped.

“You did it!’ Sarah cheered.
“Yeah I managed to pick something” Tyler responded.
“Ugh and good choice, this one is so soft, isn’t it?” Sarah asked while rubbing her hand on Tyler’s shoulder.
“Yeah, it’s pretty comfortable” Tyler responded.
“Glad you like it. But now that my weekend is finally here we can get you some new clothes tomorrow. Hope you had fun during your girl time week!” Sarah said as she took her shoes off.
“You know I kinda did” Tyler begrudgingly admitted, while cracking the tiniest of smiles.
Sarah immediately looked up with a HUGE smile on her face, “Really?!” she asked. 
“I mean its certainly been interesting” Tyler bashfully responded.
“You know, buying you an entirely new wardrobe would be a lot of money, you could always just keep wearing my clothes if you wanted, I certainly have enough!” Sarah suggested.

The suggestion came as a bit of a shock for Tyler, obviously he had never considered such a thing. But he had to admit that he had fun doing his mini fashion show today, and he had been enjoying how close he’d been becoming with Sarah (which was only because of the situation he was in). At last he begrudgingly agreed. 

Sarah literally jumped for joy when she found out. “That’s so fun!” she cried. “You know I always wanted a daughter” she said, kissing Tyler on the cheek.

The implications behind the comment made Tyler a little uncomfortable, but the kiss soothed worries, and had him looking forward to what new feminine fun may be on his horizon.

Chapter 4<-------->To be continued...

Monday, November 25, 2024

My Summer With Aunt Sarah Chapter 4

After such an eventful evening the night before, Tyler slept very well. He woke up with a strange feeling of butterflies in his stomach, probably from the excitement of the night before. He got out of bed only to find another pile of clothes outside his room, this time with an added bra. He would have expected that he’d let out a sigh, but he found himself picking up the feminine wear without hesitation and heading back into his room. 

Tyler laid out the dress and bra out on his bed. The bra Sarah had picked out was the one Tyler had briefly worn the night before. After staring at his outfit for the day briefly he slipped his nightgown off and picked up the bra. He did his best to put it on like Sarah had shown him, and once it was on he looked down at his now bra covered chest. He couldn’t help himself, he slowly raised his hands and squeezed the cups of his bra as though there were breasts that lie within. 

After a twinge of satisfaction from the bra squeeze, Tyler turned to the bed to pick up the dress. It was a similar length to the day before however this dress was sleeveless, and the pattern was predominantly black with pink dots. He slipped it over himself and zipped it up on the side. Looking down the curvature created by the bra was very noticeable. Looking in the mirror it looked like he had breasts! He couldn’t deny his aunt’s point however, the dress probably wouldn’t have looked as good without the bra underneath it.

Tyler once again went through his day like normal, video games, television, reading, but he found himself constantly looking down at his enlarged chest. He didn’t hate how it looked. He liked breasts and now he had a pair he could look at wherever he went. It was quite the novel experience for him. Tyler also had to admit that he was excited to see Aunt Sarah’s reaction when she got home and found that he had indeed worn the bra.

Eventually the time came and Sarah came home from work. Tyler was on the couch playing a game on his phone when she walked in. The way her face lit up from excitement when she saw him wearing the bra was extremely evident. 

“You wore it!” She excitedly proclaimed.

“Yup!” Tyler called back to her. “I figured I might as well”

“That’s so exciting! Doesn’t it make the dress look so much better?” Sarah asked as she put her handbag down.

“Yeah I mean, I guess it looks more natural” Tyler shrugged. Hiding the fact that he didn’t hate his experience all day.

Sarah lit up again with excitement. “That’s great, I’m glad I could teach you something new!” she said.

“Yeah, thanks for that” Tyler said. He then went to say something else but Sarah cut him off.

Sarah gasped “Should we learn something else new tonight?!”

Tyler’s heart immediately began racing, what did Sarah mean? Another lesson like when she showed off her breasts to her teenage nephew?! He didn’t know how to respond, he was both nervous and excited, what should he say? As he thought things over he looked up at Sarah who was excitingly staring at him. Her excitement was infectious and before he could really think things over he let out a “sure”.

Sarah clapped and jumped for joy proclaiming “Yay!! That’s exciting, glad you’re making the best of this situation. What do you want to learn about today?" Sarah asked as her excitement turned to intrigue.

Tyler was speechless, he didn’t know what to say, he agreed more or less on accident, he wasn't actually thinking about anything else he wanted to know. He began to panic internally, Sarah was so excited and he didn’t want to let her down. He looked to her for inspiration, she was wearing a black blazer, red satin tie neck blouse, and black pencil skirt. As his eyes continued to move down her body he locked eyes with her pantyhose and let out a question “what about those?” he asked and then lifted a finger to point at her legs. 

“Pantyhose?” Sarah asked while looking down at her legs. She looked up with a beaming smile and declared “That’s a great idea!”.

Sarah walked over to Tyler and grabbed his hand, and once again began walking him to her bedroom. His heart began to race again, what will Sarah do this time, what will she make him do, why did he agree to this. Sarah’s excitement was infectious however, she practically skipped to her room, holding Tyler’s hand tightly. When they arrived Sarah had Tyler sit on the bed while she rummaged through her dresser.

“Ok pantyhose 101” Sarah said with a chuckle as she pulled out a couple pairs as a visual aid. “They're not really as prevalent as they used to be but pantyhose are worn to enhance the appearance of your legs, make em’ look smooth and polished and hide your blemishes. Some women also wear them for modesty, so their bare legs aren’t just out and about.” Sarah then handed Tyler one of the two pairs she was holding. She then continued her discussion by holding up the other pair in her hand and saying “And these are tights, pretty similar to pantyhose just with a slightly thicker material. You might wear these instead of pantyhose if you’re trying to stay warm, know you’re gonna be doing something a little more physical, or want to add a pop of color to your outfit, they come in a lot of fun colors!” She then handed the tights to Tyler so he could feel those as well.

While all the information Sarah was presenting to him was helpful he didn’t exactly know how to respond, so when Sarah looked to him for a response of some kind, he had to stop and think. He looked at the pair of tights and pantyhose in his hand and then looked back to Sarah, hoping for some spark of inspiration of what to say. He once again found it from her legs, “So which are those?” Tyler asked, gesturing to her legs, “Pantyhose or tights?”

“Oh these? Pantyhose.” She said placing a hand on her legs. “Since I usually have to wear business formal for work I usually have to wear some type of pantyhose if my legs are exposed”

“Oh that’s kinda annoying” Tyler responded

“Oh it really doesn’t bother me” she responded while waving a hand, I kinda like wearing them, they make my legs look good, doncha think?”

Tyler was taken aback by the question, he responded by squeaking out a “yeah I guess”. 

“Women used to wear them with pretty much every outfit, but like I said they’ve kinda fallen out of style. Which is a real shame if you ask me, they’re a great accessory! You can give them a try if you want.” She said pointing towards the pairs Tyler was holding.

Tyler looked down and let out an “Ugh”.

Sarah quickly responded to his confusion by saying “Oh duh, they’re not exactly easy to put on, let me show you. Be right back.”. 

Sarah then walked into her bathroom and closed the door. When she returned she was holding the pair of pantyhose she was wearing earlier. Sarah then sat down on the bed next to Tyler and started explaining how to put them on.

“Ok so you’ll start by rolling up one of the legs in your hand, and then slip your foot into it. You’ll want them a little loose at the toes, and then tight on the rest of the legs. Then once you’ve got one leg most of the way up, you’ll do the other legs the same way.”

As Sarah did all of this on her own legs Tyler was mesmerized, she wasn’t wrong they made her legs look great. As she reached her upper thigh she had to hike her skirt a little revealing more of her thighs. Tyler tried to avert his gaze but found his eyes moving back to catch a glimpse of Sarah’s wonderful legs.

At last when she was finished she said “See not so bad! They can be finicky sometimes but you’ll get the hang of it! Go ahead, give it a try!”

Tyler sat motionless briefly and then looked at Sarah who was smiling and eagerly awaiting for him to begin. Tyler did like she demonstrated and began rolling up one of the legs. He then pulled up the first leg and proceeded to roll up the second leg, slip in his foot and pull it up. The sensation of the Pantyhose against his legs was certainly interesting, the soft nylon almost felt nice clad against his legs. Then came to the part where he'd have to hike up his dress to pull them up and over his waist. He turned to try and keep Sarah from seeing too much of his undercarriage, and pulled them up the rest of the way.

        "What do you think?! Sarah asked.

        "They ugh, don't feel too bad." Tyler responded.“That's great!” Sarah cheered. “Those are going to make your legs look way better in a dress!" she followed up. 

        Tyler leaned down to touch his legs and said “wow they feel so smooth”.

        “They feel pretty good, don’t they?” Sarah asked.

        "Yeah I guess so” Tyler responded. Internally he had to admit he didn’t hate the way they felt. 

        “Well feel free to enjoy them the rest of the night” Sarah said with a big smile.

        “Ugh, thanks” Tyler said cracking a small confused grin.

The rest of the night proceeded like all the others, dinner, small talk, television, but throughout the whole night Sarah seemed so joyful. Tyler could tell that she really seemed to be enjoying her time with him and the whole clothing journey the two of them were on together. Sarah’s joy was infectious because Tyler found himself having a fun night also. 

At last when there night came to an end they sleepily turned the TV off and headed upstairs. Without instruction Tyler found himself walking into Sarah’s and headed towards her back closet to pick out a new nightgown. While he flipped through the various items of sleepwear he heard Sarah enter the closet behind him.

“You’ve keep picking one of my Miss Elaine’s or Shadowline nightgowns, gonna be adventurous tonight and try something new?” Sarah asked 

“Oh ugh, I guess I can try” Tyler said. 

Tyler flipped through the rack and picked up a simple red sleeveless nightgown with black lace trim around the chest. He held it up to get Sarah’s approval and she smiled. She then ran off to her dresser and began rifling through her panty drawer. When she returned she was holding a matching pair of red and black lace panties.

“Here, these will feel great under that nightie!” She said walking up to Tyler and handing the satin panties to him. She then kissed him on the cheek and bid him farewell for the night.

Tyler walked out of Sarah’s room and heard the door close behind him. Once again he felt butterflies and was overcome with confused feelings. He walked into his room and took his dress off. Then while standing there in his underwear he caught a glimpse of himself standing there. He cracked a smile seeing himself in his bra, panties,  and pantyhose; he thought he looked kinda good. Maybe sexy even. But after a moment he cast those thoughts aside and stripped naked so he could shower. When he returned he started by slipping on the panties Sarah had given him. She was quite right, they were very nice feeling to wear. He then slipped the nighty over his head, and while it was more feminine than all of the nightgowns he had been wearing, it’s not like it felt all that different to wear. 

Clothes are just clothes he told himself; but once again as he walked towards the bed he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. This time he lingered a bit longer, and thought more about his situation. He loved the attention he’d been getting from Sarah while he’d been wearing all these clothes. Neither of his parents ever paid any attention to him, nor did they get excited to spend time with him, like Sarah had been. Additionally, Tyler had never received so much flirtatious attention from a girl before, even if it was a member of his family. Unconsciously he began running his hands down the sides of his satin nighty and thought to himself that he really didn’t hate this whole feminine situation, maybe he was even beginning to have fun.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Creating the perfect Princess bedroom!

 Hello There, 

    I've mentioned in previous post discussing My Love of Disney Princesses, how I created a Disney Princess bedroom for myself in my one bedroom apartment while I was at college. Today I thought I'd elaborate on how I was inspired to create this bedroom and how I went about achieving it. I didn't exactly set out to create a shrine to the glamourous princess for which I held so much admiration. Instead it was a culmination of several different factors which led to a perfect princess room as the solution!

    I discussed in length in my original Disney Princess post about how my love of Princesses started, but as my love deepened for Disney's royal ladies it was certainly not an ambition of mine to create a princess themed bedroom, at least not at first. It started when I happened upon a cute princess throw blanket in Walmart for $15 featuring Ariel, Belle, and Rapunzel. It was cheap, cute, soft and featured 3 out of my 5 favorite Disney princesses, naturally I couldn't resist. I bought it and loved wrapping myself in it to keep warm (although it was a little small). Once I found myself enjoying the blanket as much as I did I thought that maybe I should expand my princess collection a little, or a lot!

    I had seen online several Crossdressers and Transwomen redecorate their bedroom to be more feminine in design. Some took this a step farther and totally hyper feminized their bedroom, though this was more typically done by those that identified as Sissies. Despite the fact that I really didn't identify as a Sissy, I couldn't help but admire how fun and feminine a lot of their bedroom makeovers were! But my largest take away from all their inspired bedroom transformations was the inclusion of satin sheets. Naturally this made me want to try sleeping on satin sheets quite a bit since they seemed to be so popular. Well after I bought my princess blanket I got to thinking about how maybe I could use this as an excuse to try some satin sheets, and to also be able to enjoy some princesses in my bedroom. I saw a plan taking shape in my mind: I would transform my bedroom into the kind of Disney Princess room that little girls everywhere would be jealous of!! I started off by looking for inspiration online from other Disney Princess inspired rooms had to offer and they all did not disappoint!

    So what I settled on for my plan was a pink theme (obviously), satin sheets, multiple pillows, and if I could manage it a comforter that featured my 5 favorite princess. I already had a set of bedroom furniture so I wouldn't be able to fully transform my room, but I could take a few steps to princessify it. The sheets were really easy to order (thanks Amazon). The pillow case I actually happened upon in Walmart; $3 for a soft pillow case that featured Anna and Elsa, easy buy! Things were coming together.

     The comforter proved to be quite a challenge. Sure there were loads of comforters that featured Disney Princesses, but how many were Queen Size, reasonably priced, and featured the princess I wanted? Few to none, as it turns out. It took weeks of searching until finally I had to settle on a compromise, a duvet cover for a full size bed, that would have to ship from China. Sure it wasn't the perfect size but it did feature my five favorite princesses so how could I resist?

    After a few weeks of planning and piecing things together, all the elements I needed for my princess came together. I gleefully stripped my bed of its original sheets and assembled my new princess bed. It was glorious! Everything I imagined: pink and full of princesses. Additionally I found myself loving the satin sheets, extremely soft and great to sleep in! 

    Although I loved my new princess bed, it was just that, a bed. I had set out to create a princess room, not a bed. So I needed to add something else to take my room to the next princess level. But how? Well one thing that really bothered me was all the blank wall space behind my bed, and I figured that filling it would help tie the room together. So I started doing some research on what exactly I could fill the void with. However the answer would come while I was walking through the party section of Walmart. There was a "princess party backdrop" which piqued my interest. To my surprise they were huge murals depicting Cinderella, Belle, and Ariel. They were perfect, and the best part is that they were fairly cheep! Of course I bought them and brought them home. Upon opening the package I found that the banners were made of a cheap plastic, but honestly it didn't bother me too much. They covered the whole wall and really made it feel like a complete princess room! 

    I spent a wonderful year sleeping in my princess room, but once my tenure in college came to an end so too did my princess room. It was dismantled and unfortunately thrown away with the rest of my girly things from my time in my apartment. I look back on these pictures with a massive smile on my face, and a heart full of nostalgia. Perhaps one day I'll be able to create another princess room but the chances seem low. At least I got to enjoy the time I had with it, and who knows, never say never I guess!
